[color=b0e0e6][h2][centre][u]Hime Yuki[/u][/centre][/h2][/color] Interaction: [@Reflection] Bumu Aka [color=b0e0e6]"Well everyone needs a bit of pity from time to time, that's what mum said about it at least."[/color] Was Hime's initial response before taking the foxish shinobi to Ichiraku like he had suggested and ordering something that was filling for the both of them at the very least, what it was exactly didn't matter that much. And from there, Hime patiently listened to Bumu's brief monologue of sorts, struggling it seemed with the concept that Jaakuna was actually his father. [color=b0e0e6]"Kirigakure, yeah, never knew why we moved, but we did. As for your dad, you're right, you can say hi... And then give him a solid punch in the face for screwing things up for you and the rest of the family."[/color] She even made a wild punching gesture, as if to emphasise her point. Then, with a dismissive shrug Hime indulged in her meal. [color=b0e0e6]"That might not be your thing, eh? But I'd say if it feels right at the time, you should totally do it."[/color] There was a confirmatory nod afterwards before Hime seemed to pick at the parental scab of the conversation. [color=b0e0e6]"I'd definitely do it if I ever found my father, mum always said she'd give him a big kiss before slapping the heck out of him for leaving her all on her own. She'd say even someone who's like a gift to the world deserves a good smack every once in a while, don'tcha think? Then again she'd also want to smack all the people asking either me or her who my father was, then they'd ask about Jaakuna and it didn't make sense. I mean, why ask about one guy, and then ask about one the of the most famous people in our time? You get what I'm on about, right?"[/color] With the dots that Bumu had joined up in his head, it was probably obvious that 2 + 2 was not equalling 4 for the ice shinobi. [color=b0e0e6]"Anything else you want to talk about whilst we're here? Or has this whole dad issue been the weight you've wanted off your chest? I'm all ears for any other troubles, foxy."[/color] [hr] [centre][color=92278f][h2][u]Yui Matou[/u][/h2][/color][/centre] Interaction: [@Savato] Fuhrer Bradley [@BladeSS4] Bakuto Yui's grip on the handkerchief was swiftly overcome by Gozubura as he attended to cleaning his moustache himself, in turn she hid the subtle pout she wanted to make and settled back down into her seat to continue with her coffee, slowly growing her hair out with minute applications of chakra so she was ready to strike as soon as the cue was made. [color=92278f]"I see... Well that's fair, it would be a bit too personal a relationship when you account for the kind of group we're in, wouldn't it?"[/color] The Raikage's eventual arrival was certainly a... loud one, but of course the General's own noise was proven to rival his words as an explosion rung out in the distance of the village, already there were unwelcome sounds of screaming and panic amongst the folk near and caught in the blast. Yui idly brushed some hair from her face as a way to somewhat cover up her rather disdainful expression, it may have been a touch too soon to start setting off their bombs, but this is how their fine General worked after all... No matter how it irked her to get the civilians involved. [color=92278f]"Please do be civil, sir Raikage. One life for many, it's a noble sacrifice for your people, isn't it? At least come out to meet a previous acquaintance face to face, any kage worth their title would do it."[/color] By this point, with the occasional flick of her hair or shuffling of her position in her seat, she'd grown her hair out a good few feet and she kept her wits about her as she caught the device that was tossed to her. [color=92278f]"I'll get right to it, sir, do try to be safe."[/color] Yui would casually survey the area around the cafe like a tourist gazing over beautiful scenery, it wasn't hard to see the ideal hiding spots for shinobi to take whilst waiting in the wings for an order from their leader. Meanwhile her two clones, having heard the blast began to converge upon the cafe as well, likely soon to have an advantage over the surrounding shinobi through the sheer fact that the clones would be coming from outside of the more or less cordoned off area. The pair would be ready to strike once they had an eye on the situation, and the raikage clones that were preparing to form their barrier would be as helpless as fish in a barrel as soon as hostilities kicked off.