[@Crimson Paladin]It just looks like a bad pun to me, sure mildly political. But it annoys me that people actually will whine and be hyper sensitive about stuff like that, regardless of side. I guess them purposefully tying it to real life events and the hysteria of everyone who disagrees with me equals nazi and fist. Misses the point, because in the real world it's a genuine problem. But it's always been a video game, ABOUT killing -not- nazi's This is not shocking, nor worth raging about. <.< [@Dynamo Frokane] There's always been kind of a "don't fuck with hillbillies" thing in movies, true usually thriller or horror movies, but it's elsewhere too. Or the texas/cowboy or corrupt big wig hick stereotype. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CorruptHick http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HillbillyHorrors But again, I say let them eat cake. If it's a good product. That's really all that should matter.