[quote=@Migyudon] Hi! It's my first time posting; which is also my first time forum RP'ing. Anyway, here's my character submission. ᵖᶫᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵇᵉ ᶰᶦᶜᵉ [hider=Abigail Beckett] [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Appearance:[/b] Abi likes to wear gothic attire; she thinks it matches well with her power. [hider=Host] [img]https://photos-2.dropbox.com/t/2/AAAWHxTDzgnE4yA8DSdWOZds5e_Mc7jQzgr1iS3l6H5rgw/12/190955137/jpeg/32x32/3/1509580800/0/2/B8wLaE8.jpg/ENG4_pABGMpcIAIoAg/Ge9zJghg_OMSzsSyVvSDvvJNAKj1nuasAJ6Bh0GS4b0?dl=0&size=1600x1200&size_mode=3[/img] [/hider] [b]Year:[/b] 2 [b]Rank:[/b] Novice [b]Room No.:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Abi is a naive girl who, above all, is the quintessential little princess, barring some few princess-like behaviour. She's the type to face trouble with an equally challenging grin. Act now, think later. She is fond of things that shine and is covetous of unique objects. [b]Magic Discipline:[/b] Alter Conjuration (Shadow). A special type of conjuration that relies on the host's willpower. This branch focuses on channeling one's inner desires, or true self, into a form or element that embodies how the host sees themselves as. The alter is closely tied to its host's emotions and psyche. The most pertinent drawback of this power is that a host and alter cannot be conscious at the same time, requiring the host to hide, or risk being harmed while their alter is active. Both forms share the same memories and personality, but the alter is a much more raw expression of said memories and personalities. Where a host can hold some restraint in speech and action, the alter is unbound of such tethers. Due to the rarity and difficulty of making single-element Alter Conjurers, some families opt to preserve this purity; even a strain of a different element would deem a line sullied. Only the highest families could elect their children worthy of even looking at an Alter Conjurer, let alone marry one. To be able to create a single-element offspring, one of the parents has to be a pure-blooded Alter Conjurer, and the other parent having no strain of any magical prowess whatsoever. [hider=Alter] [img]https://photos-5.dropbox.com/t/2/AAB4S9K2RO52oKNnlM_lq954VrOpLpDahcLSOI-j1xvC2w/12/190955137/jpeg/32x32/3/1509580800/0/2/tumblr_mwdwqnbTIO1rxmk5uo1_500.jpg/ENG4_pABGMpcIAIoAg/_qjffi0ukscWjSu1ADh_5EODc0wfz9IO1uPD5U77av8?dl=0&size=1600x1200&size_mode=3[/img] [/hider] [b]Gender:[/b] [s]Attack Helicopter[/s] Homosexual [b]Equipment:[/b] a black frilly parasol used for interacting with things that she would otherwise never ever ever want to touch. It is a family heirloom handed down from Beckett mother to daughter. The male counterpart would be an iron locket bearing the words "Stand up, so others do not fall." [b]Biography:[/b] Abi comes from a lineage of pure-blooded Shadow Alter Conjurers. It has been this way for as long as her bloodline could remember, easily traced back to the beginning of lineage-mapping. Due to this, she had lived her life as sheltered as possible. Abi, however protected, always found a way to avoid being completed inculcated into the high life. Her hobbies include collecting trinkets and baubles acquired through gifts by jilted suitors, or through trading with other collectors. She is currently in possession of the test tube of Edison's last breath, the first experimental Philosopher's Stone (it doesn't, and will never work), and a well-preserved crusader's suit of armor. She enjoys staying indoors to read ancient tomes and incantations, albeit never being able to use them due to her power restrictions. Someday she hopes of finding someone adequate enough to share this knowledge with. If not, she enjoys the linguistics behind the spells. Abi is also part of a two-person singing group called [i]Night N. Gail[/i] [b]Master:[/b] Kassidy Gazhelle Beckett (Mother) [b]If Abigail was forced to sacrifice something important to move forward, it would be:[/b] her centenarian black parasol. Despite its familial importance, it's just a really old umbrella. [b]If Abigail was offered to have a single wish fulfilled, it would be:[/b] to be able to give the wish to someone who needs it more. [s]She already has everything she wants anyway[/s] [/hider] [/quote] I like it! I like that she has a [s]stand[/s][s]persona[/s]shadow [s]thetrueself[/s]