[h2] [centre] Marinalia (Romus) Olympus [/centre] [/h2] [h3] [centre] The Old Starboard, Sunday afternoon [/centre] [/h3] Marilania noticed the man walk over, she had obviously not been as discreet and under the radar as it had seemed. Well this was going to be embarrassing, there was probbly a way out of it though, and without having to resort to desperate measures. Thinking quickly and replying in a warm English accent that sounded like she only left the country a week ago. [color=6ecff6][i] "oh, yeah... Kinda. I thought I recognised you from the pool earlier. Luna sports, blonde obviously... Pale Blue swimsuit? Hair tied back? "[/i][/color] She always hid her stomach at the pool, a nasty knife wound in a mugging had left her with a scar she hated. One of the reasons she had become the person she was, traveling, taking jobs. The family business had always been less than polite but things got too cut throat. That was not Marilania and she broke from her mother's path and took a life akin to her father. Money was not worth the price it took. He introduced him self, least he was polite, going a tiny bit pink at being caught out her hand reached out for the vintage aviators before deciding not to run off, despite her squirming embarrassnent at being caught out. [color=6ecff6][i]"Marlin, though if your being formal, Marilania, Romus, Olympus. Sorry about staring. Id be a rather bad spy. Break eggs, make omelettes. What brings you to Sol city, everyone has a story" [/i][/color] Romus. A remeninder of a father who had abandoned her yet saved her in a way, his dealings in Africa, and shipments had caused her to have to leave Alaska. Why could he not ship somthing less political than guns. Olympus. Olympus heavy Industries, a large UK based industrial company, her grandfather headed the board, her mother, aunt all had a say, thr webs of lies, the darker side to success and pits they had gone to achive it was a kind of black stain no water could remove. A stain that caused her to never settle, the longest she had been in a City was 8-9 months before moving on. Looking round the bar another stranger had entered, brown hair, just the same as everyone else, nothing special. Went up to the bar, no real chit chat. Thr bar was getting busier, probbly just some person wanting a beer and a quiet night. Not noticing as he left the bathrooms, she turned back to the two strangers, what must people think, a youngish blonde, strangers, some honorable lady of course... Though doubted anyone in this bar would be innocent of anything less. [@aladdin_sane][@Robo27][@Furiosa]