[hider=Goddess of Storms] Name: Typhonne, Goddess of Storms Gender: Female Appearance: [Hider=Appearance Image] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/bc/d2/9a/bcd29a5a5fb0556eca5c549f127d1e5f--norse-legend-artist-art.jpg[/img][/hider] Typhonne stands at just shy of 14 feet tall with knee length flowing white hair. Her eyes shine an electric blue, with full lashes giving stark contrast to her incredibly pale skin. Beyond her odd beauty comes more oddity. Typhonne wears barely any clothes, primarily a whisper of a cloth that 'covers' her body. In reality, it covers nothing and is really more of an aesthetic because it's soft and billows in the wind. Personality: Typhonne is a truly fickle Goddess, doing whatever strikes her fancy. Considered aloof, and known for changing her mind in an instant, she hides a starting intelligence beneath this ditsy exterior. She takes great pleasure in the worship of humans for her rain, the thankfulness of her subjects in her domain for protection, and the glory of her storms. On the flip side, she is vengeful and wrathful against those who displease and disrespect her. Major Domain: Storms Minor Domains: Destruction and Fury Weaknesses: Incredibly claustrophobic, which is why there are practically no cities in her domain. Your Avatar: [hider=Avatar Image] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/0996/th/pre/i/2011/154/9/c/air_colossus_by_zsoltkosa-d3hxe5k.jpg[/Img] [/Hider] This Avatar is a direct representation of her Domain. A sentient storm, made from winds and lightning, it looks like a living tornado. Standing at the equivalent height of the Statue of Liberty, it makes up for it's relative slow traveling speed with distance lightning attacks and sheer power in it's close range. Stance: Seeks change in the void of the Throne, but not a replication of the solo leader mess from before. Loyalty During the Rebellion: Flipped. Hindered and helped both sides, and single handedly prevented several mortal fights via storms. Center of Power: A small diamond shaped gem that is hollow. Inside you can see an eternal thunderstorm. Relations: Nature - Best Friends / Lovers Sun - Allies / Friends Mankind - Allies / Liked War - Friends / Situational Ally Sea - Friendly Underworld - Friendly / Ally Darkness - Friendly (if not listed, she sees you in a Neutral light) Powers: Typhonne controls wind, lightning, and can manipulate air moisture to create storms of all kinds. From simple rains and dust storms to hurricanes and tornados. She can summon lightning bolts from her hands, and blow gusts of wind with a breath or sweep of her arms. Typhonne can take the form of lightning for near instantaneous transportation over great distances, but this is not meant for precise movement. Therefore it is useless in combat, but one of the better ways to move about quickly compared to other gods. Upon arrival, if she goes to the ground, she will strike down with a crash of thunder, leaving a crater around her as she reforms. Godly Equipment: [hider=Sky Breaker] [Img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/73a5/th/pre/f/2015/264/3/e/storm_goddess_weapons_by_artofty-d9af6ws.jpg[/img] [/Hider] This sword in it's natural state is imbued with the power of lightning. Incredibly dangerous because it carries an electric field. It has the capacity to change forms into a shield, which uses wind control to drive opponents and attacks away. Made ages ago through the combined efforts of War, Forge, and herself. [Hider=Bag of Wind] [Img]http://stormworld.wdfiles.com/local--files/reliquary/reliquary_bagofwind.png[/img][/hider] This artifact is one Typhonne doesn't usually personally use, but rather us frequently a gift / curse to mortals. Undoing the rope releases an unending torrent of wind from the bag, usable for various means but difficult to control. Demi Gods: Typhonne has two children, Aegora and Kaleth. Aegora is the youngest, standing only at just barely 8 feet real, and is 22 years old. She has minor control over winds, able to move faster and jump higher than any mortal through this ability. Kaleth stands an even 9 feet and is 34 years old. He controls electricity ever so slightly, able to create an electric current along his hands. Name of your Land: Stormfront Lands: Typhonne's domain is fairly centrally located, with one whole side connected to a sea. There are mountains, valleys, forests, plains, deserts... Nearly anything and everything you can imagine within her borders. As hectic as her geography is, the weather is as well. Storms can kick up and die out in a moment's notice. Few permanent structures exist, and most of the land is in its natural state. ((Alright, so I can see it all in my head better than I can describe it. But here we go.)) There are mountains in the center, high and low, full of snow and great redwoods. To the East are plains, long and low. To the South are deserts, rolling dunes and the occasional Oasis. To the West is the Sea, but between the mountains and the Sea is a large stretch of marshes.To the North are the forests, large and expansive. Her Capitol is in the Plains, and there are almost no long term structures anywhere in her Land People: Primarily nomadic humans with fair skin, and Avian creatures that have advanced to near human intelligence. Culture: Nearly everything in Stormfront is nomadic, with temperature structures being used primarily. They trade goods found, mined, grown, or made. Farming occurs where possible, and they are a fairly simple group. There are various tribes centered around certain activities, poke the Hunters and the Farmers, the smithies and the miners. Technology: varies. Anywhere from 1100-1400, dependant on what tribe you find. Capital: Highwater, a large sprawling complex lacking walls for the most part. The largest permanent set of buildings in her Land, it's an earthly place. Rain water is collected all over through an intricately created system to be used for crops and usage. Located in the foothills of the mountains, sightly to the North of said mountains. It is the center hub of trading and gathering in her Land, and where any non nomadic creatures and people live. Beings: All forms of Elementals, from lightning to wind to water and most other Elementals in fewer numbers. Most any creature that had left another domain and ended up in her's has chosen to stay, as such you can find most anything if you look hard enough. [/hider]