[color=black][b]"I shall answer three of your questions,"[/b][/color] The figure said calmly, a large purple scythe appearing at his side. [color=black][b]"You will be guarding the tome for the time being until your true destiny with that book is resolved. Yashar does not want to destroy the world, but thousands will die under his rule. As for who you'll be meeting, well, let's just say he's quite the bonehead."[/b][/color] The figure prepares his scythe for a swing as he speaks another sentence to you. [color=black][b]"If you die, I will have your back at least once. Don't take this for granted."[/b][/color] You feel a sharp pain as you are sent back to the land of the living, fallen over onto the ground and incredibly dizzy. A rather bony figure stands over the corpse of Hikado, the pumpkin child reduced to mush in front of you, and Gobbo (who was hiding behind the throne as he watched what just happened). The tome you were sent to retrieve is on the ground beside you, sealed by an ancient wooden crest. A male voice booms from the figure in front of you. [color=92278f][b]"Believers. Better dead than possessing my life's work."[/b][/color]