"Helljumper, huh?" Lizzy's smile grew at Montana's admission. "Same here." She didn't want to pat him or herself on the back too much for being a brand of already special soldier amid a bunch of even more highly trained special soldiers, so she altered what she normally would have said in response to finding one of her own. Well, what [i]was[/i] 'her own' once, anyway. That was different now. Now, all of these men-- and women-- were 'her own.' "I know why I was pulled; I'm from an ODST combat squad. We did clean up and scouting both, so I guess my track record proved itself well enough." She took a bite of her food to keep herself from over-talking, especially since Illinois had stopped and was handily shoveling food away. Lizzy found herself staring for a moment before she continued. "They picked us all for specific reasons, I think. Skill sets they needed in spades, if nothing else." Seeing the others weren't stopping on her account, the blonde tucked into her own meal until Illinois spoke up. She glanced up at him and nodded when he was done, needing to finish chewing before she could answer. She swallowed and gave him a quick smile. "Experience is going to be handy in this outfit, I think. Hopefully Iowa and I here have enough for what they throw at us," she said, gesturing at her fellow freelancer. Montana and Illinois both looked like they were a bit older-- late 20s or early 30s maybe?-- but, if anything, Iowa looked younger than even Lizzy, and that came as something of a surprise to her. Being an ODST, she was used to being one of the youngest, so to discover the Freelancer Program had potentially dipped lower than her 24-years of age in their search for special soldiers was unexpected and unusual. It also added a whole new level to the covert ops feel of the program. Skill didn't always stand on age or experience. "I wonder if they'll follow experience for a command structure here," Lizzy mused allowed, poking her fork into her food as she looked between the three men sitting with her. "When I was asking questions at my interview, the Counselor did say there would be solo and squad missions, but he was a bit vague about what exactly that entailed or what percentages we were looking at. I got the impression mission-related information was top secret business, which wouldn't be too far fetched for this." She gestured subtly around them with her fork before taking another bite of her meal.