[color=007236]"Y-Yesh Tobiash!"[/color] Gobbo says as he runs off towards the entrance, carefully stepping to make sure he doesn't trip and bust his lip on any spare stones. Brock sighs as he sheathes his blade, reaching under his shirt and pulling a very old bottle from under it. [color=92278f][b]"Protecting that book won't bring anything but trouble. It was my greatest creation and my worst nightmare together,"[/b][/color] Brock explained, uncapping his bottle and looking at you again. [color=92278f][b]"You ask me, that damn tome should've been thrown into the next plane a century ago."[/b][/color] Brock tips the bottle over his open jaw, pouring out some odd brown liquid onto his jaw as if he was drinking it. He tips the bottle back down and looks back at you. [color=92278f][b]"... you're alive, though. Guess Death's cards were right for once."[/b][/color]