[center] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/be/c6/b2/bec6b294774bb3118799cf5e25e616cd--digital-paintings-digital-art.jpg[/img] [h1][color=D4F0FF] Bodil Bera [/color][/h1] [hider=Hall Under the Mountain] [youtube]https://youtu.be/VWEmsUiQELU[/youtube][/hider] [/center] [hr][hr] [center] The fox was irritating. The Hound was a bitter after taste. And the whining people around her were maddening! Did no one fight?! Did no one stand up for themselves?! The child-brained one screamed and the one with the fox tattoo that all the Fae were in love with was abused and the Ice Queen was talked down to and quarreled with... Bodil gnashed her teeth and kicked her legs. "Pathetic!" She growled, "Every single one of you." But the fox and Fae paid her no mind. Eventually her captor set her to her feet and she crossed her arms over her chest, face flushed with anger. She had the unrestrained urge to stomp on his foot. Not that it would hurt him. In fact, he'd probably do that stupid ghosting thing and her foot would pass right though him! Irritation after irritation! While she had been no witness to gore, being over the fox' shoulder and more focused on if she could bit one of his waving about tails or not, she saw the after math. And boy did it set her green around the gills. Of course, the shock of it, Bodil realized the innards of humans didn't look so different from the innards of deer or elk or even chickens. She had grown a bit of a tough skin to blood and guts, but that of a humans... It was strange. And she didn't quite know how to register it yet. So she stared. Then looked up at the whispering things and frowned, glossing right over the experience all together. She'd probably have nightmares about it, but it was reality. People had fleshy stuff inside them. And when monsters used their monsterous abilities, all that goop spilled on the ground just like it did when a deer was on a gutting hook in the slaughter room. So instead of focusing on the weak and meek, she lifted her chin and scoffed at the hissing snake den of Fae. "Seems like these things are just as petty as teenage girls," she smirked with her dry humor then glared at the fox who tried scolding her. "Hey, piss off!" She snapped at him, "You keep your pervert hands to yourself! You think I'd be dumb enough to try and escape in this crowd?" She jerked her head back at the rest of the humans. "Please," she sneered, "These people are spotlights! They're so pathetic they bring more attention to themselves than I do when I am angry and shouting." She lifted her dark head and grinned deviously. "Give me more credit than that, cat-boy," she huffed, "That Hound or Mutt or WhateverHe'sCalled will lose me in a week flat. With my endurance all I'll have to do is find a ball and throw it before he realizes I am gone." Nothing like using their nicknames against them. The young woman chuckled, earning more than a few incredulous looks and glared from her human kind. She obviously wasn't making friend among them. And she didn't want to. With her few comments, she had put distance between her and the humans. No one would pay attention to her in a week, hence no one would try to tag along with her escape plan and ruin it. Within that week, she'd keep her head down and they would all lose interest in her, not even giving her a second glance when she made her move. As for the fox? He would focus on her timeline that she had just given him. The Hound would surely focus on her, then when the time passed and she gave the proper appearance of a meek and broken prisoner, he too would stop paying attention to her. Probably focus on trying to get into Ice Queen's pants or something. Fine by her. Bodil would slip away in the night and slip back to her proper realm. And the Fae would be so bored by her by then, thinking her broken and meek, that they wouldn't even bother with her. For now, she had to seem interesting. It would make her 'breaking' look more dramatic and more realistic. It was a perfect misdirection. And it all hinged on the Hound losing interest in her within a week. Easy as making a pie. Bodil grinned, an odd sight among all the despairing humans. [/center]