[quote=@Multifarious] *Appears in a very dim flash of blue light* Hello. [/quote] Shinji: Hiya, Vex. Glad to have ya. *looks to the whole group, including Vex and Sage* Alright, ladies and gentlemen. The main threat we are going after, is Kirina. *a holoscreen generates from seemingly nowhere, with an image of Kirina on it* This idividual is highly skilled, incredibly powerful, and impossibly dangerous. She rivals even the likes of Unity and Prism, the current most powerful beings in all of existence. Kirina has been found guilty of Treason, Genocide, Xenocide to the highest degree, and several other top tier charges by the EDB. She is a problem that needs to be dealt with, and now. *the screen changes, showing a scaled version of Known Existence, with an incalculable ammount of red dots appearing* The red you see on the screen is all of EDB Known Existence. She has wiped out nearly every base she could find, with the help of her army, the Crimson Armada. *the image changes to a Crimson Armada event, playing like a video, showing what demonstration was happening* This army, formerly the Galactic Initiative Armada, has waged war with all of existence. They are also a threat that needs to be halted, permanently. *the image changes back to the known existence map but zooms in on a singular planet* She is currently residing on this planet, according to newfound intel. We dont know much about it other than its location, so we have to be preoared for the worst. *turns to data* Thats where you come in, Data. Your task is to get us through whatever defenses they may have prepped around the planet, secure the airspace, then protect against any oncoming enemies, until the area is clear. *turns to sven, abby, vex, and sage* You four will be leading the initial assault alongside Spirit, whilst I, David, and Ruby will show up shortly after. *turns to ruby* While we assault the planet, I need you to throw up a barrier around it. *turns my attention to the group as a whole* Once weve all completed our tasks, we will group up, and find Kirina. Once we do, we will need to act as one. We cant afford any mistakes. One slipup, and we could all die. With that being said, I'm sure we will make a great team. Now, in order to take on Kirina, David and I have created a new 'Holy Sword', so to speak. *extends my hand, and a wheel made from both tech and what seems like magic runes constructs itself below my hand. In total, it is around the size of a hula hoop* This, is the Wheel of Fate. This weapon of mass destruction may be our only hope in defeating kirina. We will launch everything we have first, as to keep this a last rezort. Everyon here will be fitted with a piece, as the wheel isnt just one item, it works as a network. Onve I activate mine, it will grant you all a powerboost beyond comprehension. Like I said, we must keep thsi as a last resort. Kirina doesnt know this exists, but she may raise suspicion at our assault. This gives us a slight element of suprise. *it dissapears* One last thing. You wil lall be outfitted with a high tech suit that can withstand the power of the Wheel of Fate, as it is far too powerful to wield alone. It would kill you. So, that being said, I introduce the Endgame Exosuits. *several ports open in the floor, and pillars rise up, homding the suits* Eah one is connected directly to your identity, as to not cause any confusion on which suit is which. Each is specially designed to your specific style. Sage, Vex, i was unaware of your arrival until the last minute, so there are five unnassigned suits. Feel free to browse them. Once you are ready, we will begin.