A groan escaped a mound of debris, before rubble shifted a crumbled on itself. From underneath came a man, late teens atleast, dawning a ragged black shirt, barely able to consider it clothing and not rags, and a worn pair of cargo pants,in abit better condition. He groaned, running a hand through his mess of ashen gray hair. Pulling a a bag from the crumbling ruins of he rose from, he snarled, finding his last bottle of booze had been shattered in the prior nights events. Whole bag was doused in it. Need a good wash or risk it catching fire... "Ah fuck..." Cigarettes soaked too. Burn far to quickly to use. So he was out of booze, and smokes. Fuckin bandits. Maybe he'll find something on one of them. A smoke atleast. Looking across the small band of assholes who thought it a good idea to try and kill him, he sighed, standing and brushing himself off. Tearing what shreds remained of his shirt away,he stepped down from his mound of brick and stone. Some of the rubble was still smoking, and he figured the sun would be rising soon. Not much time before more would come to scavenge the area. He was kinda disapointed to lose the place. It wasnt much. An old tower station. Barely a ten by ten brick building. But it was cozy. Was...now it was barely identefiable. Ah well. Smoke will draw attention soon. Better get ready to roll. After spending some 20 minutes scrounging about the 7 bloody corpses, he was pleased to have found a pack and a half of smokes, and two canteens worth of shine. "Pains in the ass,but I admit. You poor bastards always deliver on the goods" Glancing across the small battlefield one last time, he sighed. He had to mark it. Mutalist way and all that. Another ten minutes passed, and one Midas worth was leaving the..."crime scene". Any poor soul to come across the scene would be greeted with three crusifixtions, Each decapitated, each with there internals dangling a foot from the dirt. The remaining four were dismembered and strewn around the soil at the three's base. A puff of smoke rose from the man as he walked away, the sun beginning to rise in the distance, hia hands dripping red...