I have a character if you have the space. [hider=Spoiled Slayer] [color=ed1c24]Hunter’s Name[/color]: Libeccio “Libe” La’Spada [color=ed1c24]Age[/color]: 16 [color=ed1c24]Appearance[/color]: [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uZkDQUt.png[/img] [color=ed1c24]”I’ve seen nightmares.”[/color][/center] [color=ed1c24]Weapon of choice[/color]: Enchanted Straight Sword Throwing Daggers [color=ed1c24]Armor of choice[/color]: Very light chainmail worn underneath Libe’s clothing. [color=ed1c24]Strengths/Abilities[/color]: Sword Fighter - Libe is a trained swordswoman and duelist. While she primarily uses her straight sword, she is capable of holding her own with her daggers as well, using them as her primary range weapon if she can’t get close with her sword. Swift - Fast on her feet and quick witted, Libe has to be sharp if she wants to survive her line of work. Her hands in particular are very dexterous and she can pick pockets, draw hidden items, and do other sleights of hand with ease. Heighten Senses - Libe is very observant and perceptive. While this can be annoying in some places, she has honed her senses well enough that she can fine tune her senses to pick up important information. This is useful in and out of battle as it lets her eavesdrop on people from across a loud tavern, or sense when her enemies is trying to ambush her or took out a secret weapon. Rich - Libe certainly isn’t part of the Hunter’s Guild for the money. [color=ed1c24]Weaknesses/Hindrances[/color]: Spoiled Brat - Libe isn’t used to not having her way, either through influence or by force, and whenever she’s denied something she wants she merely sees it as a challenge to take it by any means necessary, even if she really, really shouldn’t. Inexperienced - As skilled as Libe in swordplay, she’s never actually killed a man before, often just wounding them enough that they surrender, and usually only in honorable duels instead of life-or-death situations. Cocky - Despite the above weakness Libe is certain that she is more than skilled enough to handle whatever threats is thrown at her, be it man, beast, or monster. Time will tell if she’ll learn better. Young - Libe is talented for sure, and her training as strength her body and stamina, but there’s no denying the fact that she is indeed a young woman expecting to fight grown men and powerful monsters. She has much room to grow, but not much time. [color=ed1c24]Personality[/color]: Libe has some of the worse parts of being a noble and a child: she’s doesn’t respect those below her, believes herself to always be right, and believes that anything otherwise is wrong. She has a very idealized view of what it meant to be a knight and a hunter despite her attempts to seem more mature than she is. Libe is a romanticist trying to be a cynic. However there is a certain [i]Noblesse Oblige[/i] air about her, and she certainly believes that her lot in life and the skills she’s obtain weren’t meant to be squandered in the laps of luxury or basking in old glory. Libe feels the need to help the peasantry and others below her as she was meant to do, leading them via honorable deeds and example. She will never admit that she may be inexperience, but she does believe that she needs to do more than just [i]hear[/i] about what is going on in her homelands, but be active in them. [color=ed1c24]History[/color]: Libe is the fifth daughter, sixth child of the La’Spada family. Her family gained their nobility through valor, having served the crown loyalty for several generations. In particular her ancestor had single handily stalled the approach of an entire army while protecting the wounded king, long enough for the King’s guard to reinforce and route the enemy army. At the time Libe’s Ancestor was nothing more than a sellsword at the time, but he went above and beyond the call and saved his king from capture or even death. Since then every child of La’Spada was trained to become a warrior and knight. They found constant honor through tournament, wars, and other battles where their loyalty and blade was put to the test. And each time the La’Spada family fought with honor, having this far never besmirched their name with acts like banditry or theft. Not that they had been doing very well recently. The recent generation of the La’Spada family have so far had nothing but girls in their family line. While having women as knight was not unusual, the patriarch desperately wanted a son to carry on his legacy in his waning years. Libe was the fifth child conceived in her father’s attempt to spur a son. But she had no brothers, not even after the sixth child, Libe’s younger sister, was born. Libe herself was the first daughter of the fourth mistress and thus not given much attention, not that any of her sisters received much of their father’s love. Each one was left to their respective mothers to be raised and cared for, with their father’s vast wealth providing them a simple life. This was fine for most such as Libe’s elder sisters, most of whom became wives, though the eldest sister herself was the one that Libe looked up to the most. She took it upon herself to become a knight worthy of the La’Spada name, and it was because of her that Libe too chose the path of a knight, taking up the sword to learn how to fight and earn her place among the nobility. Libe trained from the young age of seven, and continued her training up until she was fifteen years old. At the time she was the squire of her eldest sister, learning now only how to fight but much of her ideals and belief from her. And while they had their differences, the two sisters loved each other dearly and would come to each other’s aid no matter the enemy. However it was Libe who decided that she needed to leave her sister’s shadow to pursue her own destiny. When they returned to their family home in Rothenburg Libe heard of the Royal Notice to hunt monsters in the dark. Wanting to prove herself Libe left the service of her sister and sought the Royal Hunting Guild to fight against monsters. [/hider]