[@StormHeart] "Oh! Uh, my name is Kiera and I live in Easthaven," said the girl, her tone wavering slightly in surprise. "Well, lived considering I was ever since I become a slave on this yacht." Dessa offered a warm smile and touched Kiera's hand. The girl came off as a little nervous, and well she should, for she'd just been dragged off by a total stranger to a remote corner of the ship. And Dessa knew all too well how cruel the fairer sex could be away from prying eyes. And Kiera, of course, had questions. "By the way... What do you mean by plans? What are you planning to do with Gurk? Not that I mind if anything bad happens to him, but I'd like to know what's going on." Dessa gulped. She had to make this one count. She leaned closer and opened her mouth to speak. Then she paused. "I...do not plan to kill him," she began slowly. "But I do wish for him to see the error of his ways within his...[i]short[/i]...lifetime." She glanced toward the entrance. No errant shadows on the floor or other human noises. Dessa turned back to Kiera. "But that is not important now. [i]You[/i] are here. You...I mean, you have incredible potential, perhaps rivalling even Lady Valentine herself. I thought to lend you a hand. Would you permit me to train you in what little ability I know?"