Sasha looked up at the sound of footsteps, and smiled at Lazarus and Shujin. Staying where she had been, Sasha glanced about, seeing Jamie and Jarvis talking with someone, Patrick seemingly engaged as well, and others nearby, whether or not they were coming, wasn’t clear to Sasha yet. She looked back to Lazarus as he spoke, studying him a moment. Sasha had had good reasons for wanting him to stay behind, stay back, away from the temptation that could be Zeref on the island… and she studied him, searching for anything that made not be… him. She waited a moment or two, flickering her gaze to Shujin, raising an eyebrow at his comment, before returning her attention back to Lazarus. [color=00aeef]“Alright” [/color]She said softly, keeping her gaze on his, not looking away, her tone serious, [color=00aeef]“I trust you, Lazarus. Perhaps it’s time to have a little faith”[/color] She said, offering him a smile, keeping his gaze for a few more minutes before she allowed it to slip to the side, towards Shujin,[color=00aeef] “He’s never needed protecting. Just to believe in himself, Should you not check on your own guild members, and check in with your master?”[/color] [hr][hr] Patrick watched Ferrin, a small smile on his features, and not seeming to mind the silence as the older man thought on what to say. Rather pleased with himself that he had given the man pause, Patrick was more than content to watch and wait. “[color=598527]You may think that, and perhaps you have the right to, the mere difference is that this time, i decided to come back, and this time, I decided to bring together as many people as I could. Including you, if you’d simply stop being a stubborn old man- nice to see that some things do not chance, at least”[/color] He said, shrugging, and leaning against the bar slightly. He chuckled at Ferrins last attempt to turn their course, and said [color=598527]“And how can you know for certain that the island doesn’t want us there? If it doesn’t, then we won’t step foot on the island, if it does then we will. At this point, only the island itself can stop us. I believe that the island wants our help. If I’m wrong, no harm done, and you are proven right” [/color]He said, with a shrug,[color=598527] “In anycase, I was taught that if we don’t try, then we have already failed. I’m going to try, and right now, I don’t need your approval for it. I cannot speak for Masters Jamie and jarvis however. If they wish to stay behind, that is their choice- theirs and no one elses”[/color] [hr][hr] [color=f7976a]“I’m not going to the island” [/color]Penny said softly, but it seemed too late as Ariel walked away, hurt a painful sensation in her chest, Penny let her go. She knew that she deserved it, and yet, it just seemed one blow after another, and she couldn’t take it. Each beat of her heart was painful as she moved towards the doors, trying to keep her pace as steady as she could make it, but breaking when she drew closer, and just about fleeing out the doors. It seemed everything she tried to do lately just… failed, or she ended up hurting someone, or ended up not able to do anything. She didn’t know what to do anymore. Her breathing came hard and fast as she took to the skies, and to the roof of the guild, landing- more like falling to a somewhat semi sitting position, her arms going around herself, as if to hold herself together. It almost felt like she was being broken into a million tiny pieces, tears stinging her eyes, falling unbidden. A [url=]song[/url] seemed to weave throughout her entire being, one that seemed to resonate with everything she was feeling, oddly beautiful even in its sorrow. And she knew that if she’d been in her Phoenix Form, that she wouldn’t have been able to avoid singing its song. She bowed her head, rocking slightly. What was she meant to do? She had no clue how to fix anything, no clue how to make anything better… Maybe it would be better for everyone if she just left. Who would miss her? Sasha, sure… but Sasha had her own family, now. Ariel? She’d made it perfectly clear that Penny had hurt her, and she had no idea how to make that right… She closed her eyes tightly, unwilling to go on that train of thought. Her heart continued to pump painfully, moving the blood around her body that shimmered with the song, tears still stinging her eyes painfully, her body shaking. Sorrow weighed her down, made her very limbs feel heavy, and it seemed that nothing was enough to fill the grief in her very essence. The song continued to build within her, seeming to come straight from her soul, a cold burning sensations following along behind it, until she couldn’t take it anymore. The song burst forth from her lips, flames engulfing her as her Phoenix form engulfed her, cold blue flames taking over the warm red and orange, purple flickering through, and she bowed over, gasping, feeling as if her heart had shattered into too many tiny pieces to put back together and the tears fell, staining the roof with their wetness. [@t2wave][@Crimson Raven][@YipeeXD]