[centre][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/xYgrkR18iM3705L0uocN1NytjldsLw6vhFDUx1sULeM/http/txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjYzNDY3Yy5TMjlvWVhKMS4w/too-freakin-cute-demo.regular.png[/img][/centre] Koharu stayed huddled behind her desk not liking the argument, she didn't know any of them well enough to pick a side or be bothered to stop them from arguing. Then the door slid open and a very tall girl with a well trained body and flaming hair! Koharu was so impressed by this girl from her appearance alone and she seemed so calm or even uninterested that she'd just gotten into UA! She must be super cool! [color=orchid][i]She's so cool!... I wish I could be that cool...[/i][/color] Koharu would continue to stare at Karen, she was already a fan girl and Karen hadn't even show off her power yet. The tiny girl was a little envious of the relatively giant girl but her admiration heavily outweighed her envy. She waved to Karen hoping they could be friends, she'd practically forgotten about the prank that was being planned.