Misty spun around and looked at him shocked when he said she was trying to kill him! She wasn't sure what would make him think that. She had pulled him to safety, saved his life, tried to treat his wound, brought him food! How was that trying to kill him? "I saved your life? Why would I do that if I was trying to kill you. I've never killed anyone in my whole life, minus the fish I eat. I would never kill another living being unless I had to to survive. It's the way of the se...earth. You take what you have to to survive, and leave enough behind for it to continue multiplying and thriving." She replied slightly hurt that he would think she wanted to do him harm. Learn about him, maybe, but harm him! "There is no one else on this island, least not that I'm aware of. Sailors avoid it because whether they believe it or not there is an old myth that it's home to sirens." Sirens were something that were real, but they hadn't inhabited this island in centuries. They had moved on to other hunting grounds. Sirens were like the mermaids, but they were pure evil. All they wanted to do was cause suffering and death, mermaids cherished all life and wanted nothing but to coexist with everything else, everything else that was natural at least. The mutations were a different story.