[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/7b/cc/337bcca61046f06c6cab2030d6588f8e.jpg[/img] [color=f26522][i][h3]"Burn it down."[/h3][/i] [h2]Helena Sheppard[/h2][/color][/center] [i]Age:[/i] 18 Years Old [i]Species:[/i] Human [i]Weapons:[/i] A Beretta 92FS Inox and a switchblade knife [i]Skills/Powers:[/i] Helena is blessed (or cursed) with the inate [i]gift[/i] of pyrokinesis, meaning just using her mind she can create fires and control them. Over the past few years, she has learned to master this ability, but she tends to lose control at certain times. She is also good at picking locks, a skill she learned from an old friend of hers when she was living on the streets in Seattle. [i]Weaknesses:[/i] Overuse of Helena's power can give her splitting migraines and often nosebleeds. She will sometimes pass out too. Despite mastering her ability, it still takes quite a bit out of her. Being human as well, she's not as sturdy as the others, and being just some teenage skate punk from Seattle, she's not as combat oriented either, aside from a few nasty brawls. [i]Personality:[/i] -Brash -Hot headed (no pun intended) -Sarcastic -Cynical -Moody -Loner -Reckless [i]Bio:[/i] On October 12, 2013, a major wildfire broke out in the small logging town of Aberdeen, Washington at around 11:45 PM. No one knows who or what started the fire, even to this day. During that night, a fourteen year old girl named Helena Sheppard had gone missing from her home. Police investigation into the disappearance brought up no further clues, other than where this girl lived was a nightmare. Her mother was constantly innebriated, and her stepfather, who was later discovered to have been killed during the fire, was a convicted felon and a methamphetamine addict. Her birth father had been killed in a highway accident two years ago. Helena also had a rap sheet a mile wide, charges ranging from public intoxication to vandalism, trespassing, minor possession, and assaulting a police officer. Four years later, Seattle Police arrested a girl, age eighteen, after a fight at a night club went sour and ended up with a man being burned on the left side of his face. Mysteriously, this girl was never processed or charged. Instead, she was handed over into the custody of a shadowy government organization. Her previous records were wiped clean, especially any tying her to incidents involving [i]fire damage[/i]. She was allowed to keep her original name, but given her circumstances, she was held under special care.