Davos slept for a very short time as the creature failed to make a reappearance. The two of them, man and monster, shared a moment of clarity as they both seemed to realize that here and now was not ideal for a drawn out fight. The hunter lacked the strength to beat such a foe without the use of stronger weaponry to pin the beast, and the beast lacked the will to fight against a foe that did not fear it over something as simple as a meal. Would they both dwell on this moment and move on or would it consume their thoughts. The trapper could not speak for what the monster saw or felt any more than he could for the wind wafting over the docks, but the answer for himself was clear. Every inch of that creature had burned its way into the deepest parts of his obsession driven mind, detailing everything from the way it had moved in the sands up to the woman from before up to the final moments when it had locked eyes with its would-be trapper. Idly he traced the line cut in the leathers across his chest and wondered how much more damage it could have done had the creature landed a proper blow. His musings had lasted from the moment the sea monster had vanished up until exhaustion had forced him to settle down to sleep atop the roof of a nearby bar, if only to ignore the sailors and captains commenting about how they envied him facing the fearsome creature head on. 'So brave!', 'A man of no fear', nothing ever about the monster these people ever said was pleasant. Did they not marvel its physical strength? The intelligence in its eyes? Simpletons! [hr] Morning came just a few short hours after Davos had closed his eyes and with it came news of the newly established hunters guild entering the island town. Overheard from the hungover sailors milling about the docksides as they prepared for their time aboard ship, they spoke loudly of the captain and how 'the island would be free of the beast!'. Would that the beast had taken the throats of some of these loud mouthed meat sacks. Still, it was his job to hunt down such majestic creatures and protect the soft willed folk of the villages. Mum and Dad would not suffer such a monster to claim their home on the mountains, and in their child they had fostered that same level of urgency to protect home and kin above all. Swinging his legs over the side of the roofs edge he heaved himself off, landing on the boardwalk with a hefty THUD that splintered the tough but weathered wood below his feet. The jolt of pain in his legs was the kind of tingle his body needed to get back to work! New members meant a proper hunt.. Though Davos did lament that he would be ineffective at laying a trap if the creature nested in the unexplored cavern systems dotting the islands. But that was a problem for later. [@Nymeria] Instructions had been given to a captain and her crew to prepare for the guilds arrival and ferry them to a predetermined destination, though Davos had skipped ahead of the group to catch the monster outside its home. Thanks to his impatience at guild procedure and the subsequent meetings he had missed that little tidbit. Once again the loudmouth drunks and sailors dotting this place were ample with details outside their boring lives and happily pointed to big man to his destination. The captain was easy enough to spot, standing at the ready looking out over the sea as he talked to what Davos just assumed was the captain of the ship. Unconcerned with such things as introductions, manners, respect, he simply moved in to speak with the captain. Not recognizing Davos as a hunter of the guilds initial party a few sailors politely tried to stop the towns 'hero' from joining in on the conversation. Something of a snarl escaped the muffled lips of the trapper as he grabbed the two by the face and bodily flung them to either side, never breaking his brisk pace to the hunter captain. Stopping about a foot away, Davos offered what passed for a salute of some kind between himself and a man labeled 'superior' in terms of authority before speaking. [color=f7941d]"Captain Drystan I will presume. Davos Gilreath at your disposal."[/color] The man did not extend his hand to shake, keeping it clenched at his side. [color=f7941d]"I caught the thing you're all here to kill, but it broke out after mangling its hand up a bit. Tellin' you this now, it isn't stupid."[/color]