"Well I haven't got anything to ask." Robert says as he was about to enter the carriage before looking at Doru he was still a size of a Hummer there was no way that he could fit into the train now! Doru looked at Robert flatly, silently saying to fix this. Robert scratched his head he doesn't really have an idea of how to do so, well looks like Doru will have to go on foot... Or he could ask Norn how to undo this, undigivolve, no dedigivolve him that sounded better. Robert swallowed his pride then asked Norn. "Hey Norn, on second thought. How do I dedigivolve Doru?" Doru looked at Norn silently asking the same question. After all that walking to get to Norn's castle he did not feel like having to walk to his destination. He looked at Norn put his head over Robert's shoulder as he stared into the screen with a look that said fix this... "Yes please help Doru quickly lose a few pounds." Robert said as revenge for Doru's earlier jab at his weight. To which Doru rolled his eyes. That was Robert 2, Doru 1!