[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171007/fae1932f476a2f523ce5653d48b91bfa.png[/img] [sup]Current Location: Jones Canyon Base Camp - Interacting With: Trevor, Bert, Sam, Troopers & Raiders - Mentioned: Jain, April[/sup] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPoWJ08zTz0[/youtube][/center] [color=gray][i]Thump.[/i] It would be wrong to say Trevor didn't understand how to swoon a woman. Trevor wrapped Maisy into a bear hug; his pine forest scent clogging the rancher's ability to smell with fresh aromas. A moment passed, until then all that was held was their hands. The goodbye was simple, yet it had struck Maisy like the satisfying crack of a baseball bat. The rancher adorned a rosy red; Trevor's compliment transforming Maisy into someone ever so giddy.[/color] [color=moccasin][b]"Y-You too."[/b][/color] [color=gray]Maisy meekly replied, watching Trevor disappear into the distance with Jain and Aaron. Coming back to reality, Maisy looked sideways, hoping no one had noticed her growing fervor for Trevor. Thankfully, everyone seemed absorbed in their own conversations or activities, and Maisy returned to her duties, although at the current moment there was little that could be considered a duty or a task required of the second-in-command. [i]Tick.[/i] Hours had passed, the sun and quiet atmosphere transforming time into a wait of eternity. No word had squawked from either Jain or April, but it goes without saying that the troopers experienced the denizens of Arlington just as well. Waving for Maisy's attention, a trooper passed a pair of binoculars to the rancher, who soon gazed down the long straight highway. Far down the road was a large wagon, discernibly heading towards the encampment. Placing the troopers on alert, Maisy sought to converse with the strangers on board. Two elderly men--Bert and Sam, presumably around their fifties, were the drivers of the cavern, who Maisy had no trouble acquainting with once hostilities were deemed to be nonexistent. Using the information passed on by the traders, Maisy set forth to verify the information, which had been an all but easy task through friendly chatter--Mandy Phillips was their leader, they had taken refuge on the nearby port and so on. [i]Bang.[/i] Nonetheless, their meeting had been cut short as soon as it had begun. Gunshots had rung out in the distance, echoing all the way to the encampment. The radio screeched with April's voice, calling the group to arms.[/color] [color=moccasin][b]"I'm afraid that we must part ways, if only for a minute."[/b][/color] [color=gray]Maisy explained, tipping her slouch hat in a friendly gesture. Approaching her horse, Maisy slung herself over the saddle, holding the reins as she motioned for the troopers to form ranks on the pavement.[/color] [color=moccasin][b]"This is it, boys and girls. We're needed on the front line, but we'll have to ride to get there."[/b][/color] [color=gray]Maisy commanded at the head of the formed lines. Perhaps out of her own faith, Maisy formed the sign of the cross before waving on the troopers.[/color] [color=moccasin][b]"Forward!"[/b][/color] [color=gray]Maisy exclaimed, waving her hat to signal the trot, which soon turned into a canter towards the enemy.[/color] [color=moccasin][b]"Hold it, hold it!"[/b][/color] [color=gray]The rancher continued to exclaim, albeit repeatedly until they were nearing the bridge cutting through Arlington. [i]Thundering.[/i] Pulling forth a wooden war hammer, Maisy held it high in the air for all to see.[/color] [color=moccasin][b]"Here we go! [i]Charge![/i]"[/b][/color] [color=gray]The rancher yelled, sending the horses into a rapid charge. What dust had settled on the forgotten highway was now stirred beneath the hooves and sent flying behind the charging cavalry. Anyone caught in their path would be trampled by hoof or battered by mace, therefore Maisy had hoped the scouts were wise enough to move out of the way. Luckily, it had appeared that the scouts had retreated, yet they seemed to be in a predicament with the raiders. Focusing on the bandits that had not yet climbed the hill, the troopers ran through them like a hot knife cutting butter. Bones crackled upon impact, smashed painfully by the thud of a war hammer. Some ran, some tried to fight, but there was nothing to stop several horses that weighed at least a thousand pounds each. Maisy was sure to give them what for, contorting their bodies in agonizing pain as they struck like lightning.[/color] [hr] [center][@NarcissisticPotato][@Polaris North][@Dnafein][@Joker892][@RumikoOhara][@Wick][@ReusableSword][@Lord Orgasmo][@DriveEmOut][/center]