[center][h2][color=purple]Clan Metalbeard[/color][/h2] [b]Actions[/b][list] [*]C- Improve Infrastructure [*]G - Prospect the land[/list][/center] [hr] While Ava and others worked on their farming situation, others had a better idea of keeping their food stock consistent in a more dwarven manner. Blackhand and few other skilled miners planned a way to properly keep stock of their food, discussing amongst one another of how and where they should do this. Then the time came, time for the clan to raise their picks once more and delve into the deep, Yet they still did not know exactly where. “We should do it below the living area! That ways we will definitely know where it is,” one stated in a booming voice. “No, that would let our waste get to it and ruin it! I say we dig it out next to the farms!” “Thieves and rats will get to it then!,” another rang. It did not take long for them to descend into arguments once more, shouting and bellyaching about where to start. If it were to continue then they would eventually start fighting one another, and unfortunately, Blackhand had no true power to stop it for he was stuck by the council and he held the plans in his head. Fortunately a wizened voice was there to stop them. “Brothers, sisters, if I may,” stayed the old voice of Marum, no one payed attention, their shouting was too much. Annoyance spurred in the old man, he sighed before he thrice slammed his metal staff into the ground and with a voice louder than that of even thunder, “Enough raging you petty dwarves!,” he began their arguments stopping and everyone looking upon the old man. “It matters not where you do this! You all simply must come together! Feel what each other is feeling, allow your thoughts to combine rather than to conflict,” Marum went on, looking upon them all as they all looked towards one another. “Besides Blackhand wanted it above the common area, safe from waste and thieves there,” Marum chuckled before turning away from the group, “and if you find anything valuable, bring it to me. No doubt the spirits will tell me what it is.” With that, the old man was gone and the others looked at each other once more. Was that really all he wanted to say? [hider=summary] An argument arises, Marum comes in and tell them to stop and just to make the bloody food stockpile so that they can keep food from being wasted. If they come across any valuable resources then the miners would tell Marum, who would inform Blackhand.[/hider]