As the boy went back to his human form and lost his strength Jacob lifted him up and held him with both arms speaking softly to him. [Color=Yellow]"It is normal to loose control when we have our first power surges, when it first happened to me I passed out exhausted before I could slow down. And the best wait to start getting grip of our powers is pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone." [/Color] He continued now addressing to the whole class, [color=yellow]"And that's our objective in this first class, we want you to push yourselves, to leave your comfort zone and to improve. The best way to control your powers is to understand how they work and what limits you can reach and break."[/color] With a smile in his face he left the arena still holding Cole,[color=yellow] "So little one, do you want me to take you to your room to rest or do you want to watch the rest of the fights?"[/color] When Jacob left the arena with Cole Lady Jade addressed the class. [Color=lightgreen]"As everyone could see once again, we want you to push your limits with no worries of harming or getting harmed, next duo can enter the arena, Luxianne and Eric."[/color] She walked towards the control panel of the arena, pushed a few buttons and the water dried out at the same time the ceiling was opening letting in the sun rays from outside. [hr][b]Mentions:[/b][@Raptra][@Enalais][@Aphelion][hr]