Dumping the rubble into the magma had been a very convenient and even somewhat funny way to dispose of it, however if a dwarf came to the conclusion that this could invoke the anger of those they were trying to escape from maybe it indeed was the better option to turn around for each and every rock and pile them up neatly along the way, leaving enough empty space for everyone to get along without tripping. Who else knew so much about stones, even though the theory was weird ? The only problem was that there some wounds along An-Hasst's flank whose complete healing was still pending and which did respond to some of the moves required in the process with surges of pain. A good opportunity for everyone in the vicinity to learn something about the Skayleigh language, even though the vocabulary mainly revolved around curses and other things one could consider to be despicable expressions. It just was the half-elf, half-giant's way of compensation for unfortunate personal circumstances. Then Ursaren dropped out. With a [i]what's wrong with you ?[/i]-expression on his face, the Skayleigh turned arounds towards the man. If it hadn't been for the recent demonstration of his true capabilities An-Hasst would simply have suspected that this was a case of an old man having over-exerted himself, but that was somewhat out of the question. Unable to feel the same intensity the bear-man did, already having experienced the much more mild level of it and last but not least with the strict order to get this passageway open, the Skayleigh continued to work. By now it would already have been possible for the smaller members of their group to sneak through, but not for everyone. [@POOHEAD189][@Banana][@The Fated Fallen][@BCTheEntity]