[hider=Nirp Imperii] [center][img]https://img00.deviantart.net/d96e/i/2015/228/1/6/three_crowns___gods___the_rat__symbol_by_dr_lazarus_lamar-d95y8tt.png[/img] [center][h2][sup][sup][i]Scav For the Kaiser, Die For the Kaiser[/i][/sup][/sup][/h2][hr][hr][/center][h2][sub][b][u]Nirp Imperii[/u][/b][/sub][/h2][/center] [center][h2][sub][b][u]History[/u][/b][/sub][/h2][/center] [indent] It is said that the founding members of House Nirp had fought side by side with Ironclaw - Catslayer himself and were influential figures of Ratkind society for generations following, regarded as leaders and nobles to their fellows and peers alike. At least, that is what members of the Nirp Imperii say, though their zealous nature and seemingly natural pride would lead many to believe this as exaggeration, at the very least. The first that anyone has truly heard of this dynasty is most recently, however. This was marked by the appearance of a peculiar yet charismatic rat by the name of Skaaro Nirp, larger than most rats, and snow white in color, with dull red eyes and a strange blue dye rubbed into the fur underneath them, clad in a dental floss - stitched black leather mask which revealed only his eyes, ears, and snout, a rugged cloak made of denim material, and armed with a polearm bearing a razor blade. Invoking servitude by dueling the champions of two small, lowkey scavenger clans, Skaaro began a new clan, in the name of his House, with the goal of uniting the Mall under the Nirp Imperii.[/indent] [center][h2][sub][b][u]Leadership[/u][/b][/sub][/h2][/center] [indent][center]Kaiser Skaaro Nirp, Lord of House Nirp, Emperor of the Nirp Imperii, King of Scavengers.[/center] Although the supposed origins of the Nirp Clan are not backed by any supporting evidence what so ever, Skaaro Nirp claims the history of his House as casus belli on any and all factions within the Mall. The Mall belongs to Ratkind, after all, and what better rat to preside over it all than a descendant of one of the noble Clans? Although the current members of the Nirp Imperii are not of the original House, Skaaro offers the name to his founding subjects. Originally simple scavengers from lowly, nameless clans, these rats have responded with loyalty to Skaaro and pride in their newfound Clan. Although beginning in small stature, Skaaro intends to delegate property and power to his most dedicated and brave subjects, creating new Clans under the Nirp Imperii, and obligating loyalty in exchange for reward and honor. One day, the Nirp Imperii will be the centralization of Ratkind, with Kaiser Skaaro being the center of power, and the heads of prized noble Clans whom owe vassalage to Skaaro presiding over their countless subjects. Either through intimidation, conquering, and although unlikely, diplomacy, Skaaro will rule all.[/indent] [center][h2][sub][b][u]Territory and Resources[/u][/b][/sub][/h2][/center] [indent]The Nirp Imperii finds itself residing in a hardware store,originally belonging to two warring rat factions, subdued by Skaaro and united, with the home nest located behind the main counter, and Skaaro's personal castle being the open safe. Nuts, bolts, metal, wire, and more lay in wait for the Clan to make use of. The two original clans had become rather resourceful scavengers because of their location, and the basis of most of their functioning life is founded on this principal. Missions and raids to the rest of the Mall are how food and other materials are found, whilst the trading of the materials within their home store covers other means of supplies. Because of their intense scavenging lifestyle, these rats have become very creative in their makeshift wares. Clothes, weapons, and other devices are both extravagant and diverse. [/indent] [center][h2][sub][b][u]Culture and Faith[/u][/b][/sub][/h2][/center] [indent]By means of tribal conquering, a feudalistic form of government is set in place, starting with the Nirp Clan at the center, appointed nobles following, dedicated warriors and scavengers whom have the opportunity to be made noble afterward, and the simple peasants such as craftsmen, artists, and workers, although respected, at the bottom. Of course, the peasants are given many more rights than the lowly Smalls, whom aren't regarded as slaves, but are perceived as talentless laborers. Ceremony and nobility and held in high regard within the Nirp Imperii, as it is the founding basis of it's structure. Although the lines of power and essentially invented, these rules are upheld by those who are participating due to the benefits they receive. Scavengers are the most respected individuals within this Clan - Pack, thus even the most lowly rat is expected to search for materials and supplies in their free time, whether it be important or no. Due to the dangerous world around them, the warriors of the Nirp Imperii tend to make the best scavengers. Scavenging being a materialistic exercise by nature, those with the most personal affects and other junk are put upon a pedestal amongst their peers. Trading within the community is huge and those individuals who are able construct and craft using this junk are a step ahead of others. [hr] Although the Faith of The Creators is the central religion in the Nirp Imperii, the faiths of any absorbed or conquered Clans is not judged by the administration, and because of this, most of the Ratfolk within this Clan - Pack are much more tolerant than others. [/indent] [center][h2][sub][b][u]Army and Warriors[/u][/b][/sub][/h2][/center] [indent]Although beginning as a meager horde of barbarian esque scavenger - warriors, with the rites of nobility given to certain individuals with growth of the Clan - Pack, the nobles are the organized force of the Nirp Imperii's army. With servants and property given to them, the nobles have both the materials and time to focus their energy on warfare. Although the nobles are the commanding members and elite troops, at least 60% of the army consists of levied Men - At - Arms types who are loaned weapons and armor, consisting mostly of blades made of sharp scraps of metal, polearms with razorblades, slings with pebbles, and armor constructed out of patches of leather. They serve both out of obligated fealty and to uphold their way of life. Due to their intense lifestyle and the rough realities of a scavenger, even these levied troops seem to be a force to be reckoned with.[/indent] [u]Current Stats[/u] Richness - 3 Military - 4 Population - 2 Control - 5 Faith - 1 Knowledge - 4 [u]Current Noble Holdings[/u] None [/hider] I wasn't quite sure about the numbered stats for the clan so I just set them out to be approximately what I thought they would be in representation to my Clan - Pack, though I'm not too sure if they're fair or not if I'm being honest. Please let me know what you think of the Clan and if I should change anything!