[@Drakey] Kaze watched how Eira seemed to change during the fights, shaking first, then her powers getting a little more out of control. He was naturally wary of her at this point, mostly because she held his weakness. But also because she seemed to be a little insane. [i]Why are the cute ones always crazy?[/i] He thought grumpily before she shattered the metal in her frigid grasp. When she turned to look at him he was surprised she said his name, she had continued to call him Scales even after they fought. He turned his full attention to her. "We're here to learn to control ourselves, Eira." He stated, his voice firm. "I don't know if the even Lady Jade can bring back the dead with her time abilities. That's why I hold back, and didn't fight you to my fullest." He said before shaking his head. "Seriously, it didn't take much strength to [i]make the ground tremble[/i] when I tripped you up." Kaze explained, letting her know the seriousness of what she seemed to want. When Kaze had first gotten to the school he had no limiters set and he had broken many things. Learning control had allowed him some semblance of normalcy despite his appearance. He'd want the teachers and the principals permission to go all out before even really thinking seriously about letting the control go.