[quote=@Andreyich] Lmao [/quote] I'm pretty sure you're not actually laughing, much less laughing your ass off, so I guess this is an attempt to seem blase and laid back while you argue. Low effort man. [quote=@Andreyich] Lmao. I know in addition to not being very smart you have a poor memory, but the subject is wolfenstein 2, not the old one. [/quote] I know in addition to being a contrarian you have a very strange grasp of how fiction works. But wolfenstein is a series, I brought up Mecha-hitler to highlight their [i]track record of silliness[/i], history be damned. You do know how a franchise/brand works right? The latest four games Wolfenstein (2009) The New Order, The Old Blood and The New Colossus are soft reboot of the original series, but still are alternate history silly games even if the graphics and dialogue are a bit better. The new order begins an [i]alternative[/i] timeline of the 1960s where the Nazis won WW2 so the very silly franchise, still complete with mecha nazi warmachines and cyborg dogs takes many liberties with real world history. [quote=@Andreyich] Additionally, you're still not providing a single point on what benefit to story or gameplay this particular deviancy from historicity provides. Oh, and you want to swing at me for "insulting" you? Tell you what, I'll stop when you stop your own bullshit. [/quote] Benefit to the gameplay or story? Jesus is this your argument? What benefit to the story would it have been if it stayed totally realistic and had the war end in 1945? Its an alternative fucking history, real world facts are totally irrelevant. You cant criticise fiction that is in no way attempting to be realistic for not being realistic. So Hitler hated the KKK IRL? Cool, who gives a shit? Wolfenstien II wanted to have a dumb exchange in a 1960s america of SS troops berating subordinate Klan members for not learning german quick enough. That's its own justification. You're essentially complaining that a 'What-if' Fan-Fiction is misrepresenting Nazis to make them seem more cartoonish and ridiculous then their real life counterparts. Considering you are literally arguing this on a [i][b]Roleplaying Forum[/b][/i] adds a thick layer of irony over your already well established ignorance. I take it you are using the term 'bullshit' in the broadest possible sense because I haven't said anything false about the games here. But bullshit is a lot more preferable to irrelevant nonsense.