[center][h2][color=DarkCyan]Tamietta[/color][/h2][/center] Tamietta gave the area a quick look around as she stood there. Volcanoes, magma, and ash could most certainly be seen in the distance. The smell of fire was practically everywhere. Despite how different it was from her own usual living conditions, she still couldn't help but love it. It was a completely different change of pace then she was used to and she welcomed it with open arms. Kazuki began explaining a few more bits of information. Considering they were on the actual hunt now, she decided it was best to listen up to his advice. There was doubt on if it was something she didn't know about already, but better safe than sorry. Mostly just went over how the boxes worked and the Guild supplies...Weird how he didn't mention the subquest supplies, though she doubted they'd need them. These were still low rank monsters after all and everyone there seemed to have a level head on their shoulders. She reached until the supplies box and took out a first aid med, some cool drinks and, most tellingly, an antidote. Can these Ioprey or this Iodrome poison? It would make sense. Right as she got out of the box, there was a bit of kicked up dust where a cliff was and Kazuki was gone. [color=darkcyan]"Seems he wanted to get a headstart on it."[/color] She said with a chuckle. As she shoved the rest of her extra supplies into her pack, Kaze noted, before leaping off a cliff to a separate area, that they weren't entirely sure what to do if the two of them encountered the Iodrome before the other two did. She let out a low giggle before meeting up with him in that same area. [color=darkcyan]"That's simple. We kill it or try and lure it to their position. Whichever is easier."[/color] She gave the area a quick look around and nodded. [color=darkcyan]"Alright, which way do you think we should go first?"[/color]