[@Claw2k11] [@ScoundrelQueen] The time sauntered along as Simon flipped through his book, the occasional leaf hitting him. The words flew by. Then it was pages. Chapters. Soon enough, he was on time, then he was late. He checked his watch, and cursed under his breath. He had kept his running abilities of times past, and ran at a pace that most people could not keep up for that distance. People, blocks, buildings, all flew past him like a blur. He needed to get to this meeting, it'd be very embarrassing to show up a large amount late. Soon enough he made it, going down the stairs at record speed, and burst through the doors of the announcement hall, completely out of breath, panting for a break. There was one seat for him, as he was a well known scientist, at the very end of the table. He closed the large metallic doors, and took and slumped in the leather chair, trying to catch a breath. Everyone was there, and as he looked up, he realized everyone was staring at him. He slumped back into his chair,and tuned into listen to the meeting. Lulu was standing in the center at the very end of the room. As Simon adjusted himself to look presentable again, he recognized many people that he had worked with before, and nodded in recognition towards the many of them.