Rainers eyes went wide with surprise at Kyy’s obviously false statement before a grin showed on his face. He whispered a small thank you, for the second time that day, as he brought his brought his sheathed sword up. [color=00aeef]“Kyy, i’m going to create an opening for you. All of them will be stuck in place for a bit. Whatever you do, don't stop attacking.”[/color] Rainer said as he began to run forward. [color=00aeef][i]They all know I'm a fishman already so might as well do this. [/i][/color] The crowd of pirates were baffled at Rainers sudden and reckless approach, as he came to the front of the group but instead of stopping he kept rushing them. He deflected some but not all the attacks aimed at him with his gauntlets as he tackled his way to the center of the group. [color=00aeef]“Now then, LOW HUM!!!”[/color] As he said that a soft vibrating noise began to emit from Rainer before it started to grow louder and more powerful. The legion pirates one by one began staggering and moving around as if confused, the ones closer to him dropping their weapons and clutching their heads. [color=00aeef][i]Luckily these guys are all pretty weak, if someone strong got hit with it all they'd do is stumble a bit.[/i][/color] He thought with a smirk as he looked back at Kyy, mouthing 'Now' at him.