Laughing, Silvi waved to the old man. “As much as I’d like to agree with you Aiden, I’m pretty sure Mika is right.” She replied, before looking at Mika. “No semblance? Interesting…well I guess we better get going.” Waving to Uncle Ube and Aunt Levi, who’d been watching with some concern from inside, Silvi started making her way back towards the academy with the others. “So Mika,” She asked. “At some point could I get a bit of help with [i]my[/i] aura control, my aunt says that’s where my biggest area of improvement is needed.” Looking at her two team/class mates, a small shiver ran down her spine, making her tail twitch slightly; she felt so awkward and out of place as she towered over them. “Say, Aiden…” She added, starting to fiddle with her braid as she walked. “Do you have a semblance yet? Mine is sort of a ‘hyper awareness’, lets me notice subtle things about what I’m fighting…though turns out it’s not much good against someone who can [i]teleport[/i]…”