[quote=@Dervish] Gaius Milonem III by Lemons [hider=Gaius] *After the Stormcloak rebellion, why didn’t Gaius return to his estate in Imperial City? It seems from his sheet that he’s a very family oriented person and feels a sense of duty since his father’s passing, so it seems strange that he’d just leave it all behind to stay in Skyrim. His children are obviously capable of managing the estate and he had no taste for it, but why was he so ready to leave it all behind for a new life out of Whiterun? You did mention he’s still stationed with the Legion, but if that were the case, how did he get leave to pursue the expedition into the ruin? -Dervs *I have no other qualms with this sheet! I’m not a whiz at the timeline with dates and such, but it seems pretty sound to me! Maybe why did he stay in Whiterun? Was it by choice or because he was needed there after the war? - Foxey *This very well written! I like how as I was reading this I could visualize his life and get a good feel for him as a character. - Foxey *I think it’s a pretty solid sheet with no glaring things that need to be addressed! He’s a clean cut Legionnaire with some very legitimate motivations and fears, and I think a lot of his personality will be fleshed out along with his history as things go on. Perhaps I’m spoiled with some of the submissions so far, but I felt like there were gaps in his 40 decades of life that were glossed over, but that’s more me legitimately wanting to know more rather than a failing to provide detail. Maybe elaborate a bit more on what he did in the war and his legion deployments and his relationship with his children and I think we got a winner. - Dervs [/hider] [/quote] So uh...Helena and Lucius aren't his children. They're his siblings. Although I did just realize that with the ages they are, they wouldn't actually be possible. I need to take a look at that. Other than that, thanks for the critique, and I'll take another look at his bio!