[U]Name[/U] [List] [*] The Klynn Grove [/List] [U]Classification[/U] [List] [*] Forest Region central to the Kingdom of Nivaria [/List] [U]Location[/U] [List] [*] Northern Inland of the Continent of Ksemari [/List] [center][img]https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/09/55/ab/ed/osha-trail.jpg[/img][/center] [U]Major Settlements - Establishments - Locations[/U] [List] [*] Sastead [*] Avleigh [*] Kreim [*] The Great Tree of Klynn [*] The Deadwood [*] The Azure Fields [*] Lake Krynn [/List] [U]Population[/U] [List] [*] While inhabited by the people of Nivaria, the majority of the inhabitants are a combination of various forms of flora, fauna, and perhaps some other intelligent life. [/List] [U]Politics - Economy - Atmosphere[/U] [List] [*] ‘Klynn Grove is typically a peaceful location. Consider a somber wooded area on a warm summer’s eve. Animals bound through the dense underbrush, The fragrant scent of vibrant fauna wafting on the breeze. Covering an immense swath of the northern portion of Ksemari, Klynn Grove hosts the largest level of biodiversity seen this side of the world. Insects, mammals, amphibians, herbivores, carnivores, birds, primates, and other animals can be found in every inch of the grove. At any given time there may be hundreds of different species in any single square mile. The Klynn Grove is also known as a veritable gold mine as many adventurers journey here to obtain a variety of herbs, plants, animals, and other creatures that are exploited for any number of uses amongst civilized society. Of course, there are places more revered or feared just like areas of other regions. For example, the Great Tree of Klynn northeast of Lake Klynn is thought to be the oldest tree in the grove and often times seen as a good omen for weary travels, but few people find it in the same place twice. Or the Deadwood located south by southeast of Lake Klynn where there was once a broad spectrum of life now is host to mostly grey husks and rancid decay - a place few dare to visit as the risk is great with little knowledge of how valuable the reward may be. [/List] [U]Relations[/U] [List] [*] The Klynn grove fits nicely into the ecology of those surrounding it as it provides the wildlife and the intelligent humanoids with life sustaining foods, medicinal herbs, lumber for their homes, and homes in general where cabins are not accessible. Most people have a fond respect for the forest appreciating its gifts and fearing its dangers moreso because they are so close to home. Stories of grand adventurers as well as terrifying folklore find their origins within this forest. While many people venture into the forest, rarely does it extend beyond a mile from or two from any edge line for fear of becoming lost, eaten, or encountering a hundred other terrible fates. Only few adventurers are so bold as to journey to the deepest, and darkest reaches of the forest. [/List] [U]Major NPCs - Inhabitants[/U] [List] [*] Jabberwock [*] Snapping Eokluh [/List] [U]Other[/U] [List] [*] Not applicable... [/List]