Aside from posting as my character, today I did two things. 1) I added some new battle items into the "Item Registry". 2) I updated the Poke Mart inventories in [b]"Central City"[/b] & [b]"Ironforge"[/b]. ALSO, I would like to ask everyone a question. Would you mind if I took out the entire system that is currently in place for creating items. I'll keep the "Poke Corp's R&D Division" organization, but that won't have to be the only way to make new items. It will only be a means to get discounts and do other unique things (such as finding Fossils). Instead, as GM, I'll just continuously update the registry with new items. You all can just PM me with item requests. This would put a little more work on me, but could make the RP less confusing. What do you all think?