The basic concept of this roleplay is that many different worlds have suddenly been forcibly connected to a central one called Eltrinia. Why? Eltrinia was the very first planet in existence and it was slowly breaking down due to there not being enough energy to support the matter of all the planets created using Eltrinia's energy. Realizing their mistake, an emergency spell was cast by the inhabitants of Eltrinia that sucked energy out of those planets back into their own, leading to the gradual decay of all the other planets and also sucking in unsuspecting individuals through the portals on a one way trip. This was considered to be the lesser of two evils by some because if Eltrinia was simply left to suffer the consequences of it's own actions and obliterate itself then it could possibly take all life in the multiverse with it. However, others think it's morally right to close the portals to save the worlds the portals are leaching energy from and might not believe that the entire multiverse would be destroyed anyways. Even if most of the worlds can survive the process, this leaching of energy is causing disastrous effects all around the multiverse that simply cannot be tolerated. Therefore, the risk must be taken. The Eltrinii, the original inhabitants of Eltrinia and once powerful enough to be considered gods, have now slowly lost their power, some forced to hide away due to public backlash for their actions. However, some have remained in positions of power to be worshiped as Gods. Since their great mistake they have split up and developed many different goals, some wishing to destroy all of the foreign people that now inhabit their planet while others, although this being rare, wish to help them close the portals. Most are somewhere in the middle in terms of helping the people out, but closing the portals is an extremist sentiment. These are chaotic times because there's no common law among these people who were sucked in to follow and no preparation for their arrival. Can they group together and form stability in this madness? This saga will have far more then a single roleplay involved if this catches on properly. Anyone inspired by this idea can join in with their own adventure. As long as you get approval you can create a roleplay in canon with the saga, meaning that the events of your roleplay work with the events of all the other roleplays in the saga. There's so much to explore in Eltrinia, both from the timeline aspect and all of the locations. There can be roleplays taking place at the beginning when there was no government, just bands of people trying to make their way in this world as best they can, to the time of the great Eltrinii war where many mortals had banned together to combat an oppressive Eltrinii régime. These roleplays can have many different genres and some can be in free, casual, or advanced. Want to create a comedy? Want to create a war story? All of this and more can be included. The same character of yours can be used for multiple different roleplays as long as it makes sense that they can be there in the timeline. People don't physically age after setting foot in Eltrinia and as long as people's souls remain strong they can remain in Eltrinia indefinitely. Their soul can be separated from their body, causing their death, but they can be reincarnated into a copy of their previous body but completely healthy as many times as they can overcome the reanimation trials and their soul remains strong enough to not fade away. More will be explained if this idea gets enough interest for an OOC, but that explains why some of our characters, who were normal people in their own world, can survive so long here and take part in many events down the timeline. The characters can be anything you wish to play as from a everyday joe human to a sentient blob of goo. The power level can be whatever besides a god or having powers that break the plot, but people who create the individual threads might have limits to which characters can join their roleplay based on power or other characteristics. That being said, if someone wants to create a serious drama then they have the right to prohibit overly powerful or silly characters to keep the chosen tone in check. After all, who'd want a giant talking banana stumbling onto the scene and exploding everyone with their mind? So is anyone interested in this ambitious idea? Any questions or suggestions? I have much more details for this but don't want to flood you all with a wall of detail in the interest check. I will give more details about things that are asked of me, so feel free to ask away.