[@grandia20][@Crimson Lion][@Noodles][@Shiyonichi][@jynmi88] Lee approached the boat. He saw that there were men being stabbed, then thrown overboard. [i]How barbaric...[/i] He thought. Not only did the assailant attack the people, but to then throw them overboard as well. That is simply cruelty. He heard a low humming noise. He turned his head towards the origin of the sound and noticed the fishman. [i]Interesting. And quite an interesting technique as well. Using the natural vibrations that are so common among his people to disorient us land-folk...[/i] Taking a deep breath and unfazed by the noise, he continued to make his way to the boat. Through this chaos, Lee was almost able to make his way to the boat without attracting any attention. [i]Almost[/i] He thought. A rather pirate looking man approached him, weapon drawn. Without saying a word, Lee continued down his path, hoping the pirate would simply rush past him to aid his brethren. However, that was not the case. The pirate's attention was fixed on Lee. Sighing and shaking his head, it looks as if he will not be able to get on the boat without getting his hands at least a little dirty... The pirate let out a savage roar as he slashed downward towards Lee. Gathering his breath, Lee swept his left foot out in front of himself, first to the right then back to the left. Using the momentum of his slight leg swing, he pivoted his body so that his right side is now facing the onrushing pirate. The sword was still descending on Lee. Bending his right arm at the elbow to a 90 degree, he pulled his fist back just past his left ribcage. With a swift movement, he struck the pirate in the solar plexus with his elbow, stopping the pirate in his tracks. Gasping for breath, the pirate had a shocked expression on his face. Without hesitation, Lee rotated his forearm using his upper right arm as the axis and struck the pirate on the nose with the back of his right hand. The pirate was now on the edge of fainting. Lee did not stop his assault however. With the pirate further stumbling back, Lee rocked back slightly on his left leg. Extending his leg, Lee swept out a kick towards the stumbling pirate. By this point, the sword the pirate once held had hit the ground. The next movement by Lee happened in the blink of an eye. With the pirate in the air for the split second between being swept up in the air and gravity taking over and dragging the pirate towards the ground, Lee swung his right arm down with a hammer-fist and struck the pirate in the solar plexus once again, this time cracking the center of his ribcage. With the pirate passed out on the ground, Lee continued to move towards the boat. Upon arriving on the boat, Lee tried to conceal his presence from anyone that could be on the boat or even near by....