[center] [h3] Kingdom of Gadabastia [/h3] [/center] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/powerlisting/images/c/c6/Fantasy_World.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20160210204714[/img] [center] The ancient kingdom of Gadabastia, a land of mysterious magic and strange, otherworldly beasts. There are many holds scattered throughout the land, but all answer to the high king Randar Valanthian III and his queen, Victoria. Under their supreme reign, the kingdom has experienced an extended period of peace and prosperity. Even the lower class enjoy a high standard of living within the city walls of the kingdom'a capital, Zespah. Business for the merchant class has expanded as well as their wealth, and the nobles live a life of marvellous luxury. It was not always the case, however, and before the kingdom was united, Gadabastia was a relatively untamed wilderness. There was little communication and trade between the separate holds, and even the roads were considered unsafe. Trolls, Ents, giant rhino and other magical beasts had settled the land. Uniting the kingdom was a magnificent feat that sent the humans into a new Era, and the Valanthian bloodline became legendary for it. The kingdom has survived many dramatic events since it's unification under the Valanthian bloodline, including attacks from dragons and invasion by foreign armies from exotic lands. The heir to the throne has always been well educated and recieved the best training, in all aspects of lordship. This is well accepted by the people as the reason for the kingdom's great success. Now, a new threat to the peace of the kingdom emerges, and high king Randar seeks a team of brave adventurers for a dangerous mission... A massive portal has seemingly opened itself just outside of the capital, leading to another world. Although nothing eventful has happened so far, the people of the kingdom are worried, and have an understandable fear of the unknown. The king has promised great reward to the adventurers who are willing to enter the portal, find out why it has opened, and seal it once again. Are you up to the task? [b]Overview[/b] I'm looking for a group of people interested in a medieval fantasy type of RP, similar to LOTR, who would be willing to team up and go on this adventure. I'm not really interested in going on it myself, I personally prefer to write plot and invent imaginary lands. I would say any character would be alright as long as they fit the medieval fantasy setting, and follow the usual rules of no godmoding, etc. If you're interested or have any questions, please let me know! I'd really like to see how this works out and throw some more politics and depth into the plot, as well as go into more detail about the various other holds in the kingdom. I have some really good ideas for epic battles and powerful artifacts, and I would be willing to take suggestions, too. I just want to make sure people are willing to jump in first. Thanks for reading! [/center]