As the third fur ball entered the scene [b]It[/b] decided that it was time. Four would perhaps have been more desirable, and the two alone hadn’t been sufficient, but this could work. [b]It[/b] would act, and with [b]It’s[/b] action begin the process which must always happen, the first step towards instilling in the lesser beings their sheer fragility in the hands of a God. [b]It[/b] had been largely unconcerned at the pair’s actions. Animals mated, even the Yautja had sexual reproduction. It was never a dignified or clean process, and it certainly wasn’t here among the fur balls. Because of [b]It[/b]’s vision being largely relegated to the thermal bands of visual light it had been confused at first as to which animal was which in their sprawling mass, and for a fleeting moment considered if the two had morphed into a single being in the way of microorganisms before relegating the thought to the back of [b]It’s[/b] mind and largely losing interest, simply scanning the tree line for any new and more interesting stimuli. That new and more interesting stimulus had come in the form of the third fur ball. [b]It[/b] pulled itself up atop the tree branch and attempted to make [b]It’s[/b] way down the tree as silently as possible on the side of the fur balls. They would be highly unlikely to mate next to a trap [b]It[/b] had simply not managed to detect, and so [b]It[/b] would touch the ground here. Should [b]It[/b] manage to touch the ground it would simply step over the pair of lesser beings so small as not to come up to [b]It’s[/b] thigh even if they were standing and move directly toward the cheering third participant. Should [b]It[/b] not be stopped and the pair not notice [b]It[/b] stepping over them wrapped up in their own business as they were [b]It[/b] would spin around the third participant, moving behind the fur ball in a flash which would have been hard to keep one’s eyes trained on even were it visible, and attempt to come to a stop behind the third, newer being with [b]Its[/b] arms lowered to the creature’s neck level, [b]Its[/b] own legs crouched to reach downwards more easily and with more potential force. Should none of this be stopped [b]It[/b] would gear [b]Its[/b] massive armored mitts around the third and newest lesser being’s neck as it stepped behind it and crouched, pivoting at the hip and working [b]It’s[/b] hands and arms into a rightward turning vice with enough energy to break bone and collapse internal muscular and organ systems. [b]It[/b] would attempt to cleanly turn the fur ball’s head around in a one hundred eighty degree turn within [b]Its[/b] hands and, if successful, move the lesser beings corpse towards the two other currently mating fur balls. The voice recorder and sound amplifying device [b]It[/b] wore was designed to mimic the sounds made by those beings it might happen to be hunting. Something like using a duck call made by a hunter to attempt to bring more of the animals to their location, at least in theory. The Yautja were famous among the Stellar species for having technology that rarely served its proper purpose however, and this was no exception. What actually did echo out from the amplifier was a shrill, wet, reptilian hissing mockery of the cheering and rooting the lesser being had been making before it had been turned into a corpse, if it had been killed at all. What was worse was that with each passing step its lifeless body, head spun round to face the wrong direction, was raising higher and higher into the air until floating a full three feet off of the ground when within a foot or two of the two other fur balls. They would not see the God lifting the lifeless corpse into the air, apparently couldn’t smell [b]It[/b] and at best might see some obfuscated glimmer like that of the mirage around a blazing flame vaguely behind their suddenly levitating once friend and tribe member. They would hear the mock cheering like the mad laughter of a darkling apparition as it rose higher and higher in pitch, though with a decibel level low enough that nothing outside of their immediate area should be able to distinguish it as anything but the off pitch chattering of their own kind at a reasonable distance. [b]It[/b] wanted, [b]needed[/b] the pair to see, to hear, to know the fear of the hunter in the wood. [b]It[/b] would even let them scream a little before it would take [b]Its[/b] right hand from the dead being’s neck and, assuming it had made it this far at all, simultaneously punch forward and downward into their writhing, screaming meat with a single clawed gauntlet on the aforementioned right hand and arm constructed of two horizontally placed scimitar like blades some eighteen inches in length each upon the outside of the forearm and wrist meant to spear the two together and allow them to meet the void in one another’s arms. This was done for an emotional reason, but not for the sake of the pair. It would be done, assuming it was done at all and that nothing up to this point had been interrupted, because the two would make for an excellent display in the shrine [b]It[/b] would construct for the lesser beings to find. [b]It[/b] would let them scream, but not loud or long enough to alert the others. Let them think that the two were simply enjoying their time together, for now. Should all of this go to plan and nothing come out from behind [b]It[/b] screaming or swinging wooden spears toward the floating fur ball with its head on the wrong way, and thus the invisible God directly in the way of the seemingly levitating corpse, [b]It[/b] would collect up the bodies in a single arm and begin the ascent up the tree from which it had come and the long process of constructing the shrine. It would be quite a while if it hadn’t yet been noticed before the three would truly be feared missing rather than intentionally avoiding the tribe for their own entertainments. This all depended on [b]It[/b] managing to scale down the tree, step over the pair of distracted fur balls, sidestep behind the third intruding fur ball while reaching [b]Its[/b] hands down toward the creature’s neck, break it with a violent pivot at the hip and with the hands and arms, before approaching the pair once more playing a devilish mockery of the cheering the third being had been making before being killed. [b]It[/b] would raise the dead thing in [b]Its[/b] hands as it stepped toward the still living pair and, should this not have been interrupted, would intend on getting them to see the display before releasing [b]Its[/b] right hand from the dead fur ball while crouching at the hips and punching forward and downward with the clawed gauntlet mounted on [b]Its[/b] right wrist and forearm towards the pair intending on spearing them together with the dual eighteen inch blades set horizontally on the wrist gauntlet. If all went according to plan [b]It[/b] would then gather up the bodies and make it’s way along the trees to construct [b]Its[/b] shrine for the village to find once they became truly worried about the missing tribe members. Should any of this not come to pass or be otherwise interrupted [b]It[/b] would naturally have to change strategy and alter these plans.