Ariin groaned and slowly rose from his seat as pulled the plug from his head, having been in medical letting them run checks on his implant and brain activity. He got up slowly and blinked his eyes tech watching to make sure everything was still synced. Finally, they released him letting him head back into the main medical bay groaning as he entered. "Ugh, Paladin did you have to constantly adjust things? You know they hate it when you correct them, especially when you don't justify it." He grumbled and paused. "You know that's not a bad idea, granted I will install mute button if we do put a speaker in for you... No, I want to able to shut you up occasionally." However, Ariin stopped when he received a message on his data slate. He heard a scuffle from one of the medics, looking up from the message he saw someone unwrapping their head. He knew all the people here were from the team, slowly and quietly Ariin walked over, catching a view as she pulled an eye patch on. "Well, you could always try it my way, cybernetics do quite well as a replacement," Ariin spoke looking at the girl, he didn't know her but he knew exactly how she felt. "Ariin Sorus, don't think I've met you... Just got my head back from my Werk before the mission." He stopped looking over at Jason offering his hand. "Also the first time we've met in person... I'm the guy with Werk in his head and the massive coil gun on his mech." He smiled and his eye flashed an explosion, that was a neat trick. “And how are you Serah? I’m actually just checking out myself... More brain scans since they just love to watch my argue with the rogue intelligence leeching off my brain.” Ariin’s eye displayed the word ‘asshole.’ “Bite me you hyper-intelligent toaster you are living in my brain I’ll call you what I like. Anyway if you are all okay, I’m going to check on Katya I came here with her.” The eye shut off then it came back up with a new request. ‘Punch him, hard.’ Well, Paladin obviously enjoyed his new freedom and the fact Ariin didn’t know what he was telling others to do.