[@Andreyich] Serious moments =/= Real World internal logic, but you knew that right? They could have made the frau a roman catholic for aesthetic reasons, it doesn't mean they dont know their history, it means they are intentionally playing with it. Not every decision made by someone representing nazis in (fictional) media is an opportunity for a 'gotcha' moment for some online wehraboo to 'refute' it. But again, what does this matter? Not following historical details, subverting them, or changing them in alternative history doesn't necessarily add or subtract anything from the game plot-wise. You're looking for something to not like about the game because the consensus is that it's popular, and its becoming more glaringly obvious with every stupid response. There is not a clear point of divergence, the game was in no way historically accurate leading up to 'Nazis winning the war' so you either haven't played these games (somewhat likely) or are just lying through your teeth to save face (very likely). Stop trying to make the wacky nazi game [i]a reddit histoy critique[/i] you'll be a lot happier in general about videogames in I think. [quote=@Andreyich] No, you just have other disgusting behaviour patterns. [/quote] And you're stuck in my thread, arguing with me about the accuracy of fanatsy nazi video games, boy I don't envy you.