[b][right]Ques - Forest Clearing.[/right][/b] Ken would sight the reptilian creature of an unknown species pointing his gun at Terrence, Corrin, and Rika, and immediately move to interpose himself between him and them. With his Shield Belt activated and dual vibroblades drawn, he can withstand at least one shot before being able to cut Tesar. And due to being a mistrustful ball of anger, he [i]would[/i] have done that if not for the presence of the kids. So instead, he asked grimly: “Who [i]are[/i] you? What is your purpose here? Why are you threatening these children?” “This one is merely securing an objective. These hatchlingz were spying, and are carrying armz. They are combatants.” Tesars attention had shifted to the new human who had moved in between him and the children, as he flicked his tongue he could practically taste the anger and the mistrust in the air. “I recommend you lower your weaponz.” By now the rest of his squad would have caught up, likely setting up positions in the trees, he himself removed one hand from his blaster. He only really needed one to fire his weapon, in the other he extended his claws. Ken had split-seconds to make a decision; normally, he would have said ‘Kriff it; I’ll take as many down with me’, but his team was at stake. They didn’t deserve to die before they had been properly trained. So he would lower his vibroblades and turn off his shield belt and jetpack and then tell his team: “Terrence, Corrin, Rika, lower your weapons.” Then, turning to Tesar once more, Ken would say: “Slavers don’t normally care about the distinction between combatant and noncombatant; neither do the harder sort of merc. So all right, we surrender.” A caveat. “But be warned; we are free and forever free - we’d rather die than be taken again.” Tesar tilted his head. “If you are surrendering, this one believez that you are not free. So are you surrendering or not?” Tesar really did not get the distinction, they were going to be taken as they had surrendered. However this young one, apparently the leader, had said they would rather die and that they would be free. Ken blinked. “We surrender; but we will not be taken to slavery, nor sold to those who would do that to us. We expect to be freed after negotiations, or at worst banished from the spot you claimed. [i]Do you get that distinction?[/i]” He said with barely disguised fury. There were few things in the Galaxy that were as foolish as messing with a Barabel, Tesar flashed his teeth at the boy. “This one would never do such a thing, this one also doesn’t appreciate you talking like you believe this one iz an idiot.” Tesar tapped his commlink. “Boss. This iz Tesar, I have several prisonerz at my position.” Ken would give a ‘hmph’, then throw down his weapons at the ground. Terrence, Corrin, and Rika would do so as well. The young man would then say: “So, you’re mercenaries. Ones with some honor I take it. Guess it’s a coincidence we met here.” He then stretched out his hands to be cuffed. “My name is Ken Neumann; I’m running a sanctuary for runaways.” Partial truth. Elias’s voice buzzed over the commlink. [i]”Understood, Alpha team. I’m sending an escort to bring them back to the Ark, over.”[/i] And the sound of rustling grass further inside the clearing confirmed the same. Ken yawned. “Anyway...if I’m going to be your hostage and all, can I at least contact my fellow refugees so that they don’t mount a rescue effort? Also, holding out my hand for cuffing is getting boring. Do you even [i]have[/i] restraints?” Tesar sissed, barely containing the laugh. “This one still findz the humans sense of humour truly entertaining. You will not be making a call and any rescue attempt iz worthless.” He sissed, the rest of his squad had closed in by now and several of them were already climbing up to the still trapped youngling. As another team approached they moved in and cuffed the others, while Tesar moved over to Ken. “You are lucky This one is with this group. On Barab we kill or maim those we hunt, now I merely capture.” He reached down to his utility belt, pulling out a zip tie. Upon tying it around the humans wrists he pulled it tight locking them in place. It’d be impossible to get out of now unless someone were to cut it. A moment to snark. “Wow, you really are cheap not to be able to afford decent cuffs. Anyway, will wait for your leader’s people to arrive, then.” A nod. “Happy to entertain you, though.” The escort of two men, the Sergeant and the Command team’s long-range commlink operator, a young fresh-faced Corporal, now took over. The net buzzed again with Elias’s voice. [i]”Bring them to me.”[/i]