[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/m5AP3ML.png[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrlZlONtLCQ[/youtube] [COLOR=lightsteelblue][sup][b][img]https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/5/5b/Amegakure_Symbol.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/25?cb=20090830222820[/img] Amegakure no Sato | S-rank | Leader of Amegakure[/b][/sup][/COLOR][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=lightsteelblue][b]TIME:[/b] [i]A week after the funeral - a week before the expedition message is sent out[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Amegakure[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] Kaito Chosokabe, [@Ganryu]; Sayuri Nisshoku, Kareha Yuki, [@Write]; Havoc [@Syn]; Kyokotsu/Mizuki [@LadyInInk][/color][/sup][/INDENT] Before the strangers that entered her lands could arrive, it seemed there was a nick in the plan Yogensha had crafted. She suddenly lifted her head, seemingly noticing another disturbance in her Rain Tiger at Will technique. [i]“Konoha..”[/i] she slowly whispered to herself, before glancing to her left and nodding at one of the Black Ops. The man understood, somehow, and jumped off, running to the balcony and jumping off. Yogensha meanwhile immediately began calculating the time it would take for the two mysterious strangers - that could only belong to one faction - and for the Konoha nin to reach her tower. With luck, she'd be able to deal with the two of these groups in separate occasions. But that was reliant on an element of luck. Not the most favorable conditions. When Havoc arrived, he was guided by four members of the Sakai Ban'nin, and brought along with him a passenger of some capacity, a young lady that seemed to ride him like a horse. It would have been comical, if it weren't for the fact that Yogensha recognized the man. He had failed to don a mask - perhaps on purpose - and his appearance was inherently tied to the existence of that girl that had lingered around Amegakure so long ago. Perhaps it had gone unnoticed to Havoc himself, but during the time he spent guiding Kyokotsu, he was shadowed by members of the black ops. And the day that Yogensha had finally approved of their assassination, the two of them split and vanished. Neither Kyokotsu nor Havoc was found again within Amegakure borders, and everyone forgot about them. Until now. But Yogensha was not one to hold a grudge, especially since she also figured that this man was inherently tied to this new organization that had attacked and decimated the village of Konoha, and the Hokage. So, she smiled politely, even when Havoc brutishly and rudely came straight to the point. She would not have expected otherwise. When he held up the paper, crumped but straightened out slightly, a black ops member approached and would take the paper from him, before handing it off to Yogensha. It seemed security measures were at an all time high for this meeting - not only a sign of apprehension towards the duo of Yomigaeri, but also out of.. some sick respect for their power. Normally, Yogensha would've relied on guards of some capacity as well, but due to her sickly nature there were many more than normal. However, she still felt capable of keeping up a fight. It was the problem that she couldn't last as long, and could certainly not kill them. Not unless she performed the Brahmastra, which was a one shot with her current status. It'd be better to simply talk. She looked over the paper, and then glanced up at Havoc. [i]“Kyokotsu. I remember her. To know what happened, I'd ask you to listen to the whole story. It's important that people know the truth about the minashigo-in koyō sābisu. Our orphanage.”[/i] She grabbed a hold of her wooden crutches and handed them off to her left, towards some black ops that was standing there, and walked forwards on her own. It was a slow process, but she was still capable of walking at this point. As she moved she even pushed away a black ops member that was trying to help her, much less gentle than she usually would be. It seems the sickness was making her slightly less patient too. She was thickly clothed to hide the bulging pieces of flesh that were moving under her body, though the eye that paid careful attention would see that very subtle bulges were also moving under her forehead. When she came to Havoc, unprotected against any attack, she held out the piece of paper to him, letting him take it from her if he wanted. [i]“I can tell she is important to you. Keep this, then. That way, you know who to look for.”[/i] When he'd taken it from her, she'd slowly stumble back, before taking her place next to Sayuri and Kaito. She'd place a hand on Sayuri's shoulder, resting on her slightly. [i]“Kyokotsu was not originally from Amegakure. She was taken. Perhaps you know that. Perhaps you do not. In broader and more general terms, the other villages have insinuated we kidnap children that possess strong talents for the arts of shinobi's.”[/i] She swallowed momentarily, glancing at the girl next to Havoc before looking back at the man himself. [i]“In a way that is true. This practice is outdated now, but it still happens from time to time. Most of our 'recruits' in the orphanage were taken some twenty to thirty years ago - in fact, some of the black ops in this room right now are 'recruits' from the orphanage. You could ask them what they think about it, but fact of the matter is that it does not matter.”[/i] She coughed, covering her mouth as she did so. When she moved her hand back and glared at it, she saw the blood she had coughed up. Her eyes shot upwards towards Havoc and his companion as her flat hand curled into a fist and was lowered to her side. She trembled slightly, but managed to stay upright with the help of Sayuri. [i]“It does not matter because we gave them a better future. We find orphans that were created by war and bloodshed and we secure them, we give them a place in Amegakure. If they show promise as shinobi, we train them into strong shinobi. We give them [b]purpose,[/b] we give them a [b]right of existence.[/b] A right of existence in the same way that the Sage lived. What is more satisfying than that?”[/i] She nodded then at some remark that nobody made - seemingly already anticipating it. [i]“Yes, yes, the villages around us say we are stealing children because of their power. But they created those orphans. [b]They[/b] should be taking care of them. But they do not - [b]we do.[/b]”[/i] She stayed silent then for a moment longer than she had before, taking pause to let Havoc think on what she said, to make the connections himself, but also to afford her some time to gather her calm and peace. She was getting emotional. It might have been the sickness, it might have been her history as an outsider of Amegakure as well. When she continue, she was noticeably more calm and peaceful than before, even offering Havoc a polite and light smile. [i]“Kyokotsu was one of them. Amegakure black ops secured her as an orphan. They brought her here to live in Amegakure, to train alongside one of our best swordsmen. We had planned to bring her into the black ops. Then she killed her master. And his wife. And then others. It seems she was disturbed in the head, perhaps a result of the events that occurred prior to her arrival here. We continued getting reports of her slaughter until they stopped for a moment. When the reports continued, she was reported to be with.. [b]some man.[/b] We trailed them for a long period of time, to consider capturing her and treating her psychologically.”[/i] The rain strengthened. Her Rain Tiger at Will became stronger as she continued to speak, tracking the movements of the Konohagakure nin. It seemed the Amegakure black ops had made contact with them. She did not have long left, but there was so much more to say. During her pause, she looked up and to the left, into the corner of the ceiling, as if there was something there to see. She was focusing on her detection technique, and then looked back to Havoc. [i]“Yes, treating her. That was my own idea, but my black ops urged me to just eliminate her and her new companion. Perhaps that was my mistake - I waited too long before ordering to kill them. I had hoped we could salvage this, to [b]make it right.[/b] When I finally brought myself to give the command to eliminate them, they split up and vanished. Perhaps it was for the best. Everyone forgot about them. Everyone but me.. and you.”[/i] [hr][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=lightsteelblue][b]TIME:[/b] [i]A week after the funeral - a week before the expedition message is sent out[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Amegakure - border regions[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] Nousagi Hyuga, Kurin Senju, [@Reflectin]; Kaijin Otsutsuki, [@Seraphicide]; Tashiro Hokori, [@BladeSS4][/color][/sup][/INDENT][hr][hr]The Sakai ban'nin of Amegakure had now reached the team coming from Konohagakure, hailing them and requesting their permission to enter Amegakure. As there was a writ of permission in the form of the Kage summit papers, they were allowed to pass through to Amegakure, under an escort of four shinobi from the Sakai ban'nin. It seemed none of them were too warmed up about receiving four Konohagakure nin, given the recent events surrounding the new Hokage. Despite being given passage, they were treated with a good air of disdain and disinterest, with none of the Sakai ban'nin speaking even a word to them. That is, until the Black Ops member sent out by Yogensha reached the team right when they were on the middle of the large lake that, perhaps an hour before, Havoc had used to travel to Amegakure under a similar escort. [i]“I'll take it from here. Lady Yogensha's orders,”[/i] the black ops informed the Sakai ban'nin, who obviously did not dare resist an order from the lady Ame herself. When the Sakai ban'nin had handed over control to the black ops, and disappeared, the black ops turned around and sped off, expecting the Konoha nin to follow him. The speed was picked up, much faster than the Sakai ban'nin had traveled at, so perhaps there was a sense of urgency. Or perhaps all of this had been one big, fat diversionary tactic designed to stall the Konohagakure nin. They'd never know. The black ops guided them towards the large tower, central in Amegakure, and by far the tallest structure. And then began the climb. They'd have to climb, more or less, all the way to the top. Being shinobi, this was an easy feat, given that they could just walk onto the walls. As they arrived at the top, they'd be left in front of two large, cast-iron doors, similar to the ones they'd used to get into the tower. From behind the doors, they could only hear the muffled sounds of a conversation being had between Yogensha and the stranger that they were there to protect Yogensha against. [hr][hr] She smiled politely at him, though the story she'd just told him wasn't really something to smile about. It was just something she did. A smile, as if she were thinking back to those times. Nostalgia. She knew precisely who the man in front of her was, and she knew precisely why he hadn't donned his mask. [i]“But that's not why you are here, is it? I fought one of your companions, as well as the one that turned into smoke. I thought I had made it evident I have no interesting in the conflict between your group and the five main villages. In fact, I offered them the ability to come talk and discuss with me at any time. It seems that I am still considered a threat to your organization. A shame.”[/i] The question as to whether or not that was why he was here remained unanswered as the door opened up, revealing the black ops member and the four Konohagakure shinobi. Yogensha looked backwards and then glanced forwards at Havoc. It seems luck hadn't been on her favour, despite her calculations and attempts to speed up the conversation, to ensure that Havoc and his companion, and the Konohagakure would not meet today. [i]“I see,”[/i] she simply stated before all hell would break loose. She'd make sure to smile at Havoc politely, attempting to inform her that this hadn't been her plan. [i]“Forgive me.”[/i] She then looked to Sayuri and Kaito. [i]“Don't mind me, I can fight still. Go!”[/i] Although she had not explicitly informed them about this dealing, she had hoped that from the way the conversation had gone that Yogensha had no intent in killing or even harming Havoc or his female companion. Perhaps they'd pick up on that and simply 'fake' the fight. Or perhaps they would go in with full power. Whichever it was, the situation was out of her control now. Perhaps if she'd been not as sick, she would've been able to manage it. It seemed everything was taking its' toll on her. As for Yogensha herself, she performed some handseals. She was clearly slower than she had been before, but still managed to form and mold chakra to her liking. [i]“[abbr=Visage of Indra!]Indra no Teisai![/abbr]”[/i] she yelled, and as she completed the jutsu, a light [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/8/8c/Indra_%C5%8Ctsutsuki_Infobox.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20160710011600]blue line[/url] appeared under her eyes. Never the less, she continued forming handseals to prepare for the next jutsu. [i]“[abbr=Visage of Asura!]Asura no Teisai![/abbr]”[/i] she proclaimed, stepping back slightly to give both Kaito and Sayuri space to form a defensive line in front of her while waiting for the Konohagakure nin to make a move. As she performed her signature jutsu, two arms spouted from her backs, and then two more, giving her six in total. She resembled some sort of Buddha like this, and through her possession of yin and yang chakra, resembled the embodiment of Asura, Indra, and the Sage himself. Now, the move was Havoc's.