The sun rose, but Lilliana Cortara was already awake. [i]Poof![/i] A cloud of vividly [color=92278f]purple[/color] smoke blew out in her face. She batted at it, trying desperately to get it away from her face and out the slightly open window. The cold air was rushing in and the smoke was rushing out, and when Lilliana inhaled, she coughed. The smoke smelled like blood- coppery and sticky. Then she realised that it was actually her nose, bleeding. [color=00746b]"Aach, better get that cleaned up,"[/color] she muttered. Lilliana walked up the stairs and down the hall to her room, and washed her face, dabbing at her nose. When the blood stopped dripping, she went back down to the lab. [color=00746b]"Okay, uhm, let's not do that again,"[/color] she laughed quietly to herself. A few other acolytes were downstairs as well, all at their respective lab benches. One of the other trainees, a girl a bit older than Lilliana, was mixing something at her bench, and suddenly, a giant thick glob shot up in the air, steaming. An older acolyte rushed over to see what had happened and how they needed to clean it up. Most of them returned to their work. Just then, Lilliana's head began to pound. --- [i]"You know what they say about speaking of the devil," said a tall man.[/i] --- Lilliana's eyes felt gritty, and her head was pounding, and her tounge was so so thick. She groaned and rolled over on her side. This was going to be a very, very long day.