[b]Erubescian Citadel[/b] [i]"Good Morning"[/i] The voice said, like was rubbing in how sub-par his morning was going to be. He was rubbing his head while the first set of rubbing was going on. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Where the hell am I..."[/color] Makorai's face was a mask of genuine confusion. Behind the bucket that had somehow found itself covering his face space. He sniffed, pressing his nose against its cool surface. Smelled like sterility to him. Cleaning products too. He knew where he was. Maintenance 21 B. The one with the sub-par filtering that allowed all of that horrible hallway light to flood in uninvited like it was crashing on Mel's couch. It explained why the bucket was on his head. Taking the bucket off would just add a new kind of thumping to the steady baseline that was already happening. He didn't want that, he had some meeting to get to, much to his displeasure. Something about...something? He couldn't remember. The big whig who promoted him to whatever it was he is, a field ops representative or something, had insisted on it. Said something about a good track record. Makorai had nearly burst out laughing, well, he sort of did. Had to mask it as a cough. Good track record his ass. All he did was shoot a Wanderer, shot a few times at Kora's nemesis and didn't manage to die either time. Woo. Well. The first shot was half a mile out. So, pretty good. [color=darkgoldenrod]"This is why I'm not ever productive."[/color] he mumbled, using the shelf to steady his rising body. [color=darkgoldenrod]"No good deed goes unpunished forreal."[/color] He didn't take the bucket off when he opened the door, opting to reach into his coat instead, and pull out a small flask, which he quickly brought to his lips. What he really needed was a Bloody Dutchess. White liquor and totmatoe juice. Something healthy for breakfast. Did he keep drink supplies in here? Makorai took the bucket off of his head finally, and rummaged through his makeshift bed. No, that was 21 A. Fuck. Well. Makorai would do that after this meeting. Not go to 21 A, he'd go to his lodgings. 21 A was for emergencies, and like any good Knight, he knew to save his emergency rations. He stepped out into the world, blinking away the bright lights, spraying his mouth with that two minute fresh breath disinfectant Mel had [i]insisted[/i] was integral to masking his day drinking. Good kid. Elevators, corridors, and eventually he was at the Oak room. Some Knight Commander had made him stand to attention in the last one. Makorai has responded by flicking a bit of nose debris onto the tip of his superiors lip when he wasn't paying attention. [color=darkgoldenrod]'Cuz I has aim like that.[/color] He thought to himself. Mako made his way into the room, and saw a name plate. His name plate. 'Makorai Saika'. Maybe he wouldn't put his feet up on the desk for this one. Maybe he'd just sit like a regular human being. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Caddie!"[/color] Makorai flashed her a winning smile, turning his glamour on briefly to add a faint glow and greater impact to his wink right after. [color=darkgoldenrod]"You're looking chipper today."[/color] He leaned over and gave her a brotherly peck on the top of her head. He liked Caddie. She let him pass out in her closets and listened when he talked. He did some listening too.