Once Iva landed she immediately set about searching for the beast's location. It wasn't difficult for her to discern a few pieces of key information from what little she learned on the ship: The beast was injured, it eats the flesh of men, and he would be resting in a cave connecting to the ocean. From what Iva overheard Dravos had already injured the creature which hopefully would hobble some of it's strength. And no doubt since it eats humans, and it has killed many, there were bound to be some bloated corpses around the island. And with Iva's sharp senses and hunter's instincts, she could easily sniff out rotten cadavers from a hundred yards off. And the last bit of info Iva simply deduced herself; the creature couldn't obviously live on top of this barren, rocky island, so there must have been some sort of underwater cave of some sort nearby where it makes it's nest. With this information in mind Iva set out to look for the creature. Iva barely went further than a hundred feet when the wretched scent of corpses struck her nose. She turned her head towards the east and deduced that the monster kept it's food over there. And assuming this creature had at least a beast level of intellect, it probably slept and shit in the same place it eats. Now that she knew where it was she just needed to scout the area. Iva approached the cave cautiously and from stealth. The powerful scent of dead bodies and feces certainly told Iva that this cave was its home, but she couldn’t tell if the Beast was there or not. For all she knew it could be prowling the waters having already noticed the ship and it’s hunters and was merely waiting to spring it’s own ambush. And while the others described it as a fish man, Iva did not put the idea that the monster could be hidden among the stones. She knew some ocean fish who disguise themselves as sea rocks to hide and ambush prey. This creature could do the same. So Iva vanished as she analyzed the area.