[quote=@MissCapnCrunch] [@HushedWhispers] [i]Correct me if I'm wrong- but your character, and then the prince and princess of Slibah would be my children? If I make the Queen of Slibah that is. I just want to make sure as I start brainstorming my ideas here.[/i] [/quote] I think Hushed's character would be sister of the Queen of Slibah, and then the prince and princess would be your children. Or perhaps not even your children and just the King's children. [@Polaris North] and [@FernStone] both mentioned in their character bio's that they're the son and daughter of the current King and Queen. So that would make them your character's children. You guys could start a PM to get some background of each other~! But I definitely don't think Hushed's character would be your daughter since she would be in a similar age range to your character, so I'm thinking sisters maybe?