Anastasia watched her troops train on the voyage and took note of their varying ability. Some were veterans of combat and handled themselves well, others were merely simple thugs. Either way, they all seemed capable of keeping some semblance of discipline. She sighed softly, staring out at the approaching island, arms crossed as she leaned against a railing. The mission brief she found was far too short and to the point. WHile she initially assessed the Captain to be a pragmatist, this was downright bullish. The brief didn't even have everyone informed nor have a plan set togather. Simply... go forth and conquer. He didn't even arrange tactics or genuine parties once the shore was reached. This set her hairs on edge. While she was no stranger to the blind, improvised tactics of brigands, to see a royal guardsmen act as such forbade a level of disaster that she simply wouldn't tolerate. There was simply no way having a horde of unorganised mercenaries blindly looking for a monster on their lonesome was not going to end in panic and chaos, jepordizing the mission. As much as she would like to agree to the simple tactic of brute force for it's supposed quick efficiency, what little she overheard of Davos' account indicated a greater cunning in the creature that should not be underestimated. Once they had made landfall and the Captain bluntly went forth on his own, she blew a sharp whistle to catch everyone's attention. Most groaned once they saw it was her and waved her off, walking away in their own random directions, many simple brigands boasting loudly. Seeing as this rabble had practically given their position away anyway, she made a flat frown and pulled out a metal whistle and gave it a quick blow, producing a sharp, annoying ring in everyone's ears. "Fer fuck sakes, wa'dya ya wan' ya naggy bitch!?" She sighed softly and waved off her men as they bristled at a random thug's flat insult, jumping onto a crate and overlooking the crowd. "Yes, yes, I am fully aware of everyone's opinion here of my... "theatrics". This is no speech and neither is it an order. I know I have no authority over any of you and so I suggest to you, as [i]equals[/i], for -[i]OUR MUTUAL BENEFIT[/i]-, that we organise a plan firsthand, rather than running off here and there and likely startling the creature or putting each other in danger with our random tactics. I know very well not everyone here attended the mission brief." She gave a look at Davos ([@Zelosse]) and Donnel ([@Lucius Cypher]) and the fur-coated girl who had run off immediatly ([@Norschtalen]). She pressed the bridge of her nose and sighed sharply, "And, yes, I can see that many of you don't play with others well, that said, I'm sure you would find it in your best interest to not have a crowd of stumbling sellswords with no hunting experience giving away your position or ruining your "hunt"." "Let's be honest, not all here are professionals. Many of you, hell, myself included, have only experience hunting other men or vampires at best, let alone great beasts or monsters. We need a plan." The crowd of hunters mumured, some waving her off and going away anyway, though a good portion begrudgingly agreed with her. "As I said, I am not commending you, nor am I presuming leadership. This is a meeting of equals. With that, I propose that those who have any possible information on the beast come up and present your findings and suggestions. Afterwards, we should organise into parties, plan our routes, and establish a plan of contact upon sighting either the monster or the lair. As much as you would like to take personal glory, this beast will not be taken down on it's lonesome." She looked to Davos ([@Zelosse]) and the sailor Jericho ([@SirSqueakalot91]), waving them over, if they hadn't left already, "So far, I know some who already presented some information and suggestions. Come! Come and aid your fellow hunters."