[center][color=00CED1][h3]The Iceborn[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] [b]B) Improve Military Technology[/b] The Iceborn were many things: hardened sailors, master shipbuilders, and formidable warriors. They were not philosophers, and this sentiment was reflected in Sigdar who chose not to dwell too long on thinking about what to do with the flame. Father Frost was the more mysterious of the Iceborn's two patron deities; that god worked in strange and subtle ways, but in none of the tales was it Kjorn's way to care about such petty things as how a flame was transported from one place to another. Kjorn cared about the truth, the only truth that mattered--strength. So without much thought, Sigdar used a knife to pierce the bark of a tree. Coating the end of a stick in the resinous sap that bled from the tree, he created what would serve well enough as a torch. Not knowing what to expect, Sigdar then attempted to light the torch with the strange flame that still burned within the runestone. In Dagshall, the chieftain was left with the difficult decision of how to react in the face of the recent attack. He was keenly aware that cowering behind the walls of their settlement would leave those in the mining outpost and lumber camp relatively exposed. Since the tribe had enough iron and lumber in their stores for the foreseeable future, Dag ultimately decided to have the miners and lumberjacks all ordered to abandon their posts and return to Dagshall. The mineshafts and trees would still be there once the ocean was red with the blood of whatever enemy lurked out there. With those orders sent out, the tribe was hunkered down and ready to wait for their enemy to make another appearance. The palisade and shipyard were defended day and night and the warriors kept ready, so there would be no surprises. While they waited and watched, there was still time for work to be done. The Iceborn had plenty of swords, axes, spears, and even bows with which to wage war; however, in terms of defenses the tribe was lacking. There were a few odd pieces of armor that had been brought to this new land from their old continent, but even those were growing old and rusty. The tribe needed armor to equip the warriors, and they had plenty of materials to make it. Shields wouldn't hurt either. The pounding of red-hot iron echoed throughout the village as the smithy began forging armor, whilst inside the longhouses others fashioned shields out of wood and hide. [hider=Iceborn] -Sigdar doesn't overthink it and chooses the simple option [b]A)[/b] of trying to bring the flame back to Dagshall using a torch -Dag pulls back the people outside the village (in the mountain mine and logging camp) for the time being and chooses option [b]B[/b] to hunker down. -The normal turn action is spent on using the stored iron to forge armor. Lumber and hide is used to make shields. [/hider]