[quote=@Ferrocerium] Gotcha. "Look, I'm as comfortable with this as everybody else, but unless we magically find half a square meter of ceramic-aramid composite laminate armour just laying around, then yeah, using a trash can lid to cover the hole is kinda our best option!" [/quote] Just from reading that quote I have a feeling you and [@Skepic] are going to get on well. Also I like to incorporate music into my RPs I was thinking of a theme like this: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITcwK8gVixQ]Cry Of the Desperate Village[/url] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/ce04/f/2015/151/7/f/japanese_village_by_narandel-d8vg05f.jpg[/img]