[quote]Real World internal logic, but you knew that right?[/quote] There is nevertheless internal logical consistency. At times, anyway. [quote]aesthetic reasons, [/quote] I don't think you know what that means, and anyway the frau along with nazi germany as a whole being Roman Catholic lead is in no way "aesthetic," especially since they don't even then use that for any potential aesthetic use i.e. Roman Catholic symbolism being put around the place. [quote]Not every decision made by someone representing nazis in (fictional) media is an opportunity for a 'gotcha' moment for some online wehraboo to 'refute' it. [/quote] damn what will I do with my life now [quote] the game was in no way historically accurate leading up to 'Nazis winning the war'[/quote] What? The game very well explains it, with Deathshead finding the caches of magic Jew technology and such and goes on further with the veil and all the trippy universal stuff, it is in fact most likely you who haven't played the game and rather just know what you know via your starter pack memes. [quote]And you're stuck in my thread, arguing with me about the accuracy of fanatsy nazi video games, boy I don't envy you.[/quote] Lol, you brought it up. It's pretty ebin to have such levels of doublethink unashamedly. But hey, you know what I'm going to make an alt-history game where the nazis loved the Jews, and nobody better say nothing 'bout it.