[center] [h1][color=royalblue]Florence Marivau[/color][/h1] [color=royalblue]Class:[/color] Medic [color=royalblue]Location:[/color]Aboard The Sky Mariner [hr] Florence had stepped upon the ship rather unwillingly. Following all the instructional stuff the drone in front of her was preaching. From the extra insurance of the belt keeping her against her seat to knowing where and how to get out of the plane if there was an emergency. She didn't like this at all. She sat by her lonesome. Her gift to the new Godchild was wrapped carefully by an old shawl, to hide its presence from those same drones she diligently listened to. She didn't trust them, they lacked faces, twitches and expressions. She couldn't tell what their programming was doing, she couldn't read them as she could do with other humes. Even the other species had some signs of emotions. Live insects probably wouldn't be allowed in the cabin. Expecially such ones that were not native to the land in which they were traveling. Her gift, how she would enjoy giving the precious glow of nature to someone who may have never seen them before. She watched a large creature covered in heavy plated armor get told off for seating in a rack of some sort. She didn't know why he failed to obey until she saw him rip off such a part of the ship with ease to sit down. [@Sudkurve] Startled at the common show of strength she looked away quietly. OF course such a strong person wouldn't care to listen to the automated machines. Patting her fluff of hair to not overreact she contiuned observing as people got on. Reassuring her self that averyone on this ship would be teammates. No risk of her getting hurt in such the same way as the chair. In relation to most others she was quite a ways away seated alone in a row next to a window. A choice she would come to regret when the captain announced they would be taking off and the safety of the outside world ripped from her. Her rucksack sat strapped into the seat next to her. Preventing anyone else invading her space and preventing her loosing it. Florence was not one to surrender her personal possessions to anyone. Even if they promised to give it back, she didn't like it. As why she carried it on her when she boarded the ship and why as a drone came to question her she pushed an arm over it. Especially to prevent such action as a drone being able to move it, her spear ejected itself from her bag in such a way to block off the ail between her seat and the outside one with it's sharp point. The captain's announcement of flight startled her once more. This was all quite new so she didn't mess with anything like she could hear others doing. She clutched her gift to her chest harder and nuzzling her face into the small hole in the wrapping. The soft glow from the darkness of the inside soothed her nerves like when she was a child. [b]“Hey there, folks. We've just cleared lift off, so you're free to roam about the cabin.”[/b] The message over the speakers took her from the safety of the glow to the open cabin. The large scary looking dude was in the corner was standing. She looked around more, seeing the rest of the people. A majority were fellow humes. How wonderful that would be. No huge need to learn a different biology. Or well not learn but remember. She could recall half of her training was treating wounds of all types on every species she knew of and those she didn't before those days. She was hesitant to get up from her seat. But seeing some others standing helped overcome her nerves. She wasn't always this nervous, but being up so high in the air was something new, as were all the faces and the scenery, and the technology. How strange it all looked. It pushed upon her nerves. Then she looked up. Seeing what should be the ground below, above her head caused a quiet squeal to escape her lips. Her legs wanted to give out beneath her. A short fall back on to her seat was were she rested for a few seconds. Regaining her composure as not to appear as such a nervous person as medic shouldn't be. To stand back up again was a struggle. Florence was more hesitant than before. She made no move to interact. Instead, she peered past her makeshift wall at the others. Examining them, determining races, biology's, even what gifts they seamed to be holding. Wishing only that the flight would end sooner rather than later. [/center]